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Stock Lobster

10/08/07 8:57 PM

#181641 RE: morcash #181640

Dude, I think it's like everything else these days. Alot more people know what's going on, but they've realized that it's pointless to talk about it or discuss it

All that happens is you get attacked.

So, the wise ones have just made the decision to stay out of the water until the tsunami warning is over, while the gamblers and fools rush in to surf the 50 foot waves...and try to ignore that big shadow on the

I get PMs from people who don't dare write what they're thinking, which I'm sorry about, but I can't blame them...

However the end result is that the only loud voices you hear are the propagandists, the cheerleaders, the equivalent of paid pumpers, and you don't hear much argument or dissagreement.

Doesn't mean everyone's in agreement, however, just means that a whole bunch of people have decided it isn't worth the price of talking about it.

Anyway, the situation is so far advanced, at this point either you know what's really going on, or you're headed over the Niagara in a barrel, along with the rest of the herd...not too much time let to change your travel plans

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Stock Lobster

10/08/07 9:05 PM

#181642 RE: morcash #181640

I've made my stash in gold and currencies, primarily CAD and Euros. I also have an ongoing position in Brazilian Reais. That's where I bet our nest egg, just based on the things I knew and researched.

I didn't think it was too great a risk, as even Warren Buffett was betting against the US Dollar starting in 2003

Gold was a no-brainer.

The stock market has always been a rigged casino, and it's getting harder and harder to get real unbiased information.

Ruport Murdoch taking over the Wall Street Journal hardly fills any real trader's heart with joy, either. Hard enough to get unbiased, business news these's getting to the point you have to perfect the art of reading between the lines

But if you read enough papers, follow enough reports from analysts whom you've come to trust by the outcome of their forecasts, you'll see the direction...

...and yes, that direction certainly would suggest shorting and currency plays are a good way to go - imho

But I wouldn't go long the Euro at this point, fwiw. Probably will hit $1.50, but over that there will be serious wailing on the part of Europe's manufacturers and the ECB will finally be forced to do something to contain the Euro's rise versus the dollar...

I'd be more inclined to go long the Indian rupee at this point, as well as Yen, and possibly still the CAD and Aussie dollars. Aussie dollar clearly headed to par with the USD, so good for that ride from .90 to $1.00, imho