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10/08/07 4:22 PM

#11568 RE: LCLiving #11567

Very good point. I've met Peter when he was looking to move out of Kansas (I believe this was the case), and looks alone, he definitely showed restraint in spending.

I hardly put much into this stock, but out of all the gambles I've taken, I've lost the most %wise. We all lost most of our investments, but as indicated by RxPCinc, there are wheels turning. Something is happening, why Peter is holding off news I can't say. The 'individual' sign-off made made me a bit uneasy though. I'd rather own 200k shares at .005 with a CEO working on a plan than have $1000 back in my pocket with a huge loss to myself.

With that said, I'd love to have a conversation with him.
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10/08/07 4:52 PM

#11569 RE: LCLiving #11567

JR: It was one sided BS "please"as you state it. When I first bought the stock it was all tout and false website and false telephone #s and no results, but none of that was acknowledged, rather it was ignored, and belittled.

Then a bit later the facts I am talking about were initially denied, or at best poo pooed, the facts about the BS tel #s and that non-functioning website and the non existent marketing materials. A couple here said: "oh no big deal", and you know that very well, as do the rest of us. I was told on the phone, 8 states had advocates and were covered and it sounded like they were active. What happened to them?

The positive posters did not uncover squat that helped anyone *else with their trading, not relative to what was actually taking place. (that originally included me until I actually tried the phone and the website etc)

imo Someone had to know your Marketing materials were not at the Printer and due to be sent in 2 weeks as you posted back then. They were not be sent to you in 2 weeks as was posted here, but that had to be questioned by some of us just to find out weeks later.

So say what you will about one sided BS, you may have posted in good faith, but who ever was going to send the materials, do the website and answer the phone, sure left you on the limb with ONE Sided BS in my opinion. So "Please yourself" it was one sided BS and only an ostrich would not see that. Luckily a few of the more objective posters found out the actual truth, but not with any company revelations, or ones which the positive posters uncovered, or at least acknowledged they uncovered.

The shareholders problems are not that the CEO took a much bigger hit than us, it is that we received a hit of our own due to NO RESULTS and as a Huge Surprise, which was never explained, it just occurred, for some anyway.

If this is to be a charity, then fine, say so up front at least then the shareholders can decide if they wish to contribute or not. The way it is now, we contributed without knowing it, and if it is not to be a charitable donation it will probably take years to demonstrate. lol

"Lack of Dilution" with no other results is not a defense of anything other than no one wants the stock for more than a few mils and there is no money to be made by trying to dilute at this point, it is not noble, it is merely practical. Is it good he did not dilute, yes, but it does not negate the need for actual financial results, NOOOOOOO.

So "Pleassssse" do not be sarcastic to me, the truth here ain't pretty from where most of us sit and it is merely throwing salt in a wound to say other wise. Your defense of this mess is better left undone in my opinion. This thing has been defended to the hilt and it has only served to erode the credibility of the defenders most times.

If we are letting bygones be bygones and bagholders be bagholders that is fine at this point but pls do not try to defend the indefensible on this issue.

Let's see the plan not another un-functioning website