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10/21/07 5:24 PM

#9427 RE: NLionGuy #9324

herselling altronics was a gene gartlan deal. remember we got walt tossed out just like everyone on IH wanted. on top of that gartlan and spencer now run the company so spencers people start a big exitus. what a team?

the abb money went 1.6 mil to the attorneys and the remainder went to pay down bills. Walt got zero and i think it was over a two year law suit he conducted. what a reward from the board. instead they replace him?

here are some facts about the house everyone is so down on. it was severly damaged by hurricane charlie and again by wilma in 2004. he and his family were moved to a rental while repairs were to be covered insurance covered some but then the county codes changed and he was forced to take it down and rebuild on a higher flood plane. ask McNear since he has been posting the real estate pictures on our site. mcnear gave up running companys and trys to sell real estate now while bad mouthing the only hope this company has-weisel. he lives across the street from walt and his wife.

McNear is the ceo who sold the high tech public company (which several of us worked for to weisel who had rwt and then bank rupted it for weisel to pay his legal fees). lots of people in the company and on IH know that story. what a crook! now he invades his personal life including making his religous beliefs a joke. what a board member we have.

gartlan was to be a temporary ceo and lets hope they get someone before cornell gets their usual-patents and the last of our share price.

we have better outside/inside information now as gartlan and spencer throw them out the door. is walt still available to save our investment and the company from a ceo who is an accountant. has he ever run a company. does anyone know. what is walt doing

the personal attacks on this site are really bad no, they are the worst i've ever seen what a terrible waist this site has become