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10/03/07 3:02 PM

#602 RE: FoggontheTyne #601

Aston Rowe

Apologies the date of the letter from Olde Monmouth should be July 2007 of course, not 2006.
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10/04/07 10:51 AM

#603 RE: FoggontheTyne #601

FoggontheTyne, looks like something similar jumped off on this side of the Pond. It took a little digging, but I found the first Shareholder alert that used to be on the GBRC site.

Mobilestream’s Management has been advised by a number of the shareholders that they have
received solicitations from a “Phoenix Acquisitions”, with a Houston, Texas address, for the
purchase of their Mobilestream shares. Management did not, and absolutely does not, authorize,
sanction, or endorse this solicitation. It has been noted that although this is supposedly an offer to
purchase the shares:
1. Phoenix requires that the selling shareholder first pay Phoenix a substantial fee; and
2. Phoenix can “waive” the requirement that it deposit the funds to buy the shares.
Mobilestream’s Management has no information on who or what Phoenix Acquisitions is, has no
information about the principals of Phoenix Acquisitions, has no information about how Phoenix
arrived at the supposed price it may pay, has no information on whether Phoenix Acquisitions has
the funds with which to buy the stock, and has no information on on how Phoenix obtained the
names and addresses of our shareholders.
Mobilestream’s Management recommends that until, and unless, you receive adequate,
satisfactory information about Phoenix, its principals, its ability to actually pay for the stock, and
other important details about this solicitation, you do not participate. Mobilestream’s
Management has notified the Securities and Exchange Commission about this situation.

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10/17/07 3:57 PM

#661 RE: FoggontheTyne #601

I own 200K+ shares of MSRM and have been waiting for over a year for the transfer to GBRC shares. The date keeps getting punted forward. I suspect it is because they may need audited financials for the SB2...which they probably cannot afford. (See email below from GBRC's Diane Rudderow)

...but they can wheel and deal all over Europe and get listed on the Frankfurt Exchange, eh? I am sure that is not free and it probably costs more than an audit.

So, it is my guess that Pringle got what he wanted in the transfer and no longer cares. Clearly, that is how it appears. Also, do not expect a brilliant (perhaps looney) engineer to be a Wall Street wizard. It is unlikely.

The shares for the transfer have been authorized by Global as per available filings. In theory they should be held in trust for us shareholdes by GBRC. In reality, the forward moving risk creates a huge liability for them. GBRC share prices are off 60% from their peak of about $5 a few months ago. I suspect their lawyers are not smart enough to intercede due to budget reasons (wrong lawyers) or pure ignorance/greed on the part of senior management.

Who really knows that is happening? Frank Pringle. Nobody else. my town, whatever you smell cooking in the kitchen is probably what you will be served for dinner.

There is no free lunch and no free oil. Somebody always pays for it. GBRC email follows...

Caveat Emptor!

Steve James

-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Rudderow []
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:54 AM
Subject: MSRM/GBRC

Hello Steve,
The transfer of shares should be completed by the end of September 2007. We are waiting for the SEC to complete the SB2 filing. You will be notified by the transfer agent, Olde Monmouth Stock Transfer, on how to proceed with the exchange of shares.

Global Resource Corp.

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goody too

12/12/07 6:45 PM

#896 RE: FoggontheTyne #601

I am a UK shareholder who bought shares in Mobilestream (MSRM) in February and March 2006, paying $10,600 for 3000 shares. Much to my regret this was on the basis of a phone recommendation from a company in Spain called Global Resource Advisors. Needless to say this company cannot be contacted any more.

In June 2006 there was a 6 for 1 share split, thus my original 3000 shares became 18,000 shares. In July 2007 I received a letter anouncing that MSRM shares would be converted to shares in Global Resource Corporation (GBRC) on the basis of 1 GBRC share for every 7.14 Mobilestream shares, thus giving me 2,521 GBRC shares. The letter said that a form SB-2 would be filed with the SEC shortly after the 14th August and the registration process would take 90-120 days therafter. However all the companies SEC filings are listed on its website and I see no mention of a SB-2 have been filed. This makes me suspect that the company did not file the SB-2 and that Mobilestream shareholders will wait forever for their GBRC shares.

At the latest prices as shown on this website, my 18,000 MSRM shares are worth $2,880, whereas 2,521 GBRC shares would be worth $6,300 - if only I could get them.

I have been trying to find out when the new shares will be issued but have had no reply to my e-mails. It is impossible to get anyone on the phone; all you get is an answerphone and no-one ever calls back.

I have learned my lesson from this experience. However I would like to get in touch with other UK Mobilestream shareholders who have had similar experience. If anyone would like to get in touch my phone number is 01582 760397.
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Tire Chef

12/30/07 1:05 PM

#921 RE: FoggontheTyne #601

It would appear that ignorance or fraud are at play when you consider the fact that GBRC or Franks patent application claim 4 gigahertz to 18 gigahertz which are military frequencies not available to public use. It would not be possible to scale up without first recieving allocations from the FCC for these frequencies, then get the military to allow use of these frequencies, then getting someone to manufactor klystons at these frequencies. The prohibitive cost involved due to the price of klystrons,[ the only klystron available at 4 gigahertz or any other frequency cost $15,000.00 to $20,000.00] for a 2 KW klystron.We know that the frequency of 2.45 gigahertz, which is currently FCC aproved, with magnetrons available of the shelf in a wide range of power, cost 1/10 as much to build and cost less electric input to process tires and make the process economically viable to scaling up. It would appear that since Frank and Hawk and thier attorney are aware of these facts, [We told them] and continue to seek investors, that fraud is a very good candidate.Sincerely Joe A Pringle Tire Chef Inc.
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07/13/08 2:09 PM

#1400 RE: FoggontheTyne #601


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