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10/01/07 11:33 AM

#30972 RE: snow #30971

Then what's your purpose in posting this? I don't think bashing the stock is going to make people buy.

In pennyland, you can do two things. You can either buy, or sell. If you want the stock to go up, you support it, not spread FUD. I don't really know why you are so against the stock when you own 3 million shares, unless you want to lose money.

Cut the crap, and let the stock ride.
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10/01/07 11:38 AM

#30974 RE: snow #30971

Snow, you did not say what is unfathomable.

"I know from other boards that this is unfathomable to people who think that shareholders only use these boards to try to boost the price of the stocks they own"

Are you saying because people know what they bought here and are excited that is it your job to post FUD? Sorry, IMO that does not compute. and btw, I'm still waiting for answers on where you get your facts.

thanks again.
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10/01/07 11:55 AM

#30984 RE: snow #30971

Snow I tend to agree with you on this. I see no harm in someone looking at the actions of management and if they disagree or dislike an action taken to express those feelings.
Taking an objective look and commenting seems fair game to me.
To do so in a negative fashion is only being honest.

That said you seemed to have looked at what Paul did with SWARM and don't like or understand it. And will NOT except Paul explanation of why he did it. The whole key to his action is simply this. He said trading in house with SWARM was not acceptable. He could and would not do it. Now if you do not accept that then so be it.

We have accepted this and therefore see the alternative Paul has chosen to be very attractive for spooz stockholders. Paul found away for SWARM to be used and still provide significant profit to us. And still has the door open to strike deals for SWARM usage in areas other than futures and derivatives.

I must assume you don't like this deal because you feel Spooz can trade with SWARM and still execute their plans to market
their other tools without a conflict of interest. Maybe that is where you need to make your case. Prove him wrong on this. Then you will have a leg to stand on in your opinion that Paul handled this deal badly and not in the best interest of Spooz shareholders.

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10/01/07 2:17 PM

#31055 RE: snow #30971

snow, sorry to get back to you so late. I think ? your point in an earlier post is that since Spooz originally owned SWARM that 141 Capital was not "a gift" as wing_walker said. In that context I can understand your point of 141 not being a gift.
However, in lieu of the easier of three possible things Mr. Strickland stated he COULD have done - shelving the complex and personally taxing creation of 141 it at this time - he chose to take the high road of developing it. As shareholders , 141 might just turn out to be the largest revenue generating segment of Spooz, Inc/SPZI. This is the 'gift' wing' was referring to.
In my opinion when we receive more information regarding 141 Capital this 'gift' will be more greatly appreciated. I might add that those who were invested with SPZI a little more than a year ago - before Tetrahex was a part of Spooz, Inc. - the likes of 141 were not dreamed of. It is these long termers and others greatly appreciative of Mr. Stickland's dedication who view their SPZI investments in a long term context that consider 141 Capital a huge gift.