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09/27/07 11:46 PM

#30254 RE: Gbathat #30253

double bummer Gbathat :(

14 hour day at the plant then to lose a 1/2 worth of work at home to top it off.

You calcs sound good, It will be interesting to see what Spooz actually comes out with for numbers.

See you tomorrow


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09/27/07 11:53 PM

#30255 RE: Gbathat #30253

Dang, should have pressed the back button and saved it on notepad - that's what I would have done.

But it sounds good - SPZI at $1 would be a dream come true. If they own a virtual exchange (after acquiring the matching engine), I think $20 is even possible in 4-5 years.

Keep the faith in Paul and Spooz (and WW, please don't hate me).
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09/28/07 5:29 AM

#30262 RE: Gbathat #30253

141 will start trading derivatives only, using their own account. After they establish a track record they will register with the NFA as a commodities trading advisor and then begin accepting managed accounts from individuals and brokers.

I suspect that they already have money in their own account since they are , per the PR, about to start trading "early in the fourth quarter 2007". The previous PR mentioning the Kauderer Group may well be the source of "those wishing to inject millions into our company". The silent period was silent for us, but I bet it was a whirlwind at Spooz in order for all of this to have been set up in such a short time.

Someone that witnessed the SWARM demonstration must have salivated and moved quickly to get this deal in place. This went from concept to business model in no time flat and I mean quick. I chuckle at all the moaning and groaning on the board over the past few months about how "long" this was taking. This went very quickly and I am duly impressed that Paul and company could get this done so smoothly and in such a short time. I am now doubly confident in my position in Spooz and what they might accomplish with SpoozToolz. I stated before that I was drawn to Spooz because they have stuck with their original mission statement. What they have done with SWARM is proof positive that they are committed to the SpoozTools platform and bringing it to the markets. They have created a potential cash cow with 141 and moved it out of house. Now the original Spooz team is free to continue pushing the SpoozToolz concept to fruition. In choosing a start up company to invest in, pink or otherwise, the single most important thing to determine is the quality, character and determination of the ones behind it all.
This is a good company.
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09/28/07 11:41 AM

#30415 RE: Gbathat #30253

Sorry but could you please explain where do you come up with these kind of figures or is this only wishful day dreaming?

What kind of return did you take on your calculations coming from SWARM? I just hope that you know that SWARM will NOT do anywhere of 90% of winning trades over a longer period of time. If they would have done this over the past 6 months somebody would have bought this thing by now for 1 billion us dollars as it would be the perfect cash cow machine and life unfortunately isn't that nice to SPZI shareholders.

Let me just make this clear. Nobody would be that glad about these kind of numbers than I would. It's just that over the years I have become a glass half empty guy when it comes to micro cap companies as I got disappointed and lied to and everything else. I wasn't like this a few years ago.

So based on that expect 70% winning trades and everybody of us should be more than happy with that. Otherwise the license would have been way more expensive.

Defireman should get also a bit real here when he is talking about 20 dollars a share in regards to a company with 1.385 billon o/s. Of course that is to take into consideration and as far as he hammers on anybody who just slightly feel positive over at the other board and accuse anybody there for hypeing (you know where) he shouldn't come up here with this nonsense while the share price is at 1 cent.

In regards to some discussion whether the company itself already knows how many shares will be issues at 141, of course they know it by now! Are you kidding me? They didn't give us 120 million out of the sky. They sure know by now how much of a stake that is in 141. I'm just puzzled that they can't reveal it now. I mean why is it everytime with those pinkies that their pr's are giving us more questions than explanations. Everytime and everywhere. How difficult is it to state a normal understanding pr with all the details in it?

Somebody asked here in the last few days why the share price isn't higher after all these pr's? For me it's totally clear why. Because we know nothing. We don't know the stake we have in 141. We don't know any of the recent SWARM results. We don't know how much money will be provided. Simply we know nothing. Still it's enough to hold on the shares for me. But I hope that is not all they will provide in the coming weeks.

I do still have confidence in SPZI, otherwise I would have sold, I'm at break even right now. So please don't take my posting as a bash because I own a lot of shares here. I just wanted to make some points here because I read a lot of nonsense lately. Sorry for that.

All is my opinion of course.