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Alias Born 06/05/2007

Re: None

Thursday, 09/27/2007 11:38:32 PM

Thursday, September 27, 2007 11:38:32 PM

Post# of 94869
aww dudes, i just spent half an hour putting and explaining the model on a post and my dial-up kicked out... lost it all

i'm exhausted, so i'll just post my conclusion from my calcs and get the model up and explained later

just my opinions, not investment advice. i am not a finance expert.

I estimated that that if 10 million bucks are put into SWARM, 1 million by 141 itself, and 9 million from outside investors, then the SPZI revs would go up by .004 cents per share, resulting in an actual share price increase 4 cents.

What's most interesting is that the more of 141's own money that they put in, the more drastic the SPZI pps increase. This is due to the much higher net profits by 141 when they're using their own money, rather than skimming off investors.

While 141 may have to skim off investors initially, as they build capital, they should throw it back into SWARM rather than paying out dividends, at least for a while.

If we got to the point where 100 million was being thrown into SWARM and 10% of that input was 141 capital, we could see a $1 increase in the SPZI share price. I don't think that scenario is too unrealistic.

Again, this is all based on a model that I built in Excel that needs to be audited by the spooz crew. I'll get it up as soon as I have the energy... but 14 hours at work today took it out of me.

all my opinions

peace and good luck,


God grant me the serenity to deal with the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and should; and wisdom to know the difference.