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02/06/04 7:26 PM

#28970 RE: Doma #28968

edit: Doma your suspicions about my motives are meaningless.

don't hold any puts, not short wavx, nor am i looking to buy wavx right now.

if anyone's motives are suspect, it is longs who cannot tolerate any dissent & attack like frothy guard dogs whenever anything negative is posted.

btw, i didn't "highlight" 5Par's post, i reposted a link from a former employee's site which included direct commentary regarding Wave & its principals. you may be indifferent to such subjects, but IMO it is relevant. & it was the first time i'd seen it, even though it's 6 months old. dude, if 6 months was the expiration date for any info posts on Wave, voids would have much much less to post (including stuff like NSM, going on a YEAR since they announced SafeKeeper & publicly mentioned Wave).

& fwiw, 5Par sees nothing of worth in this company & i don't share that view. you mind find some cold comfort in the fact that i still bother to follow this company b/c i actually do believe that someday (a day much further away than you apparently believe) attestation & key mgmt might be a big deal & IF Wave gets a notable chunk of that market (remember, IF), it could lead to successful marketing other high margin trusted services.

so there, i posted something favorable about Wave.

if guys like you were not incessantly supportive & every once in a while posted something that wasn't necessarily designed to pull in newbie investor capital (& support your long position), the wavoid "community" just might garner some respect from those beyond its boundaries.

QPQ & honestly post something critical.

edit: N4 summary disposition is not the slam dunk you seem to think it is. there has to be an absence of any issues of material fact, and every reasonable inference must be drawn in favor of the non-movant in order to prevail pursuant to FRCP 56. Peter's sale of 100K shares in & of itself (after refusing to sell shares earlier to retire the $1M "loan") as reported in Smart Money, could be sufficient to preclude SJ.

plus none of us know what might turn up in discovery & the pleadings will invariably be amended at some later date.


btw Doma, whatever hauppened to SKS' promise in the last CC about some big end of the year surprise announcements?

surely he didn't mean the stuff that has been announced over the last few months... or was it more of the same, along the lines of Peter's promise last March of mind-blowing news, "literally in a few weeks"?