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09/19/07 7:05 PM

#88541 RE: WD-40 #88536

"He who has not sinned cast the first stone."

aren't u just inviting self righteous liars to throw stones at u......just a thought.LOL

yea i know....not sure what some do not get about the situation.....they can NOT raise money without the reports.....they can NOT get the reports audited without money....clearly they have some money....are paying the rent on the new place....paying employees....tho probably NOT upper management.....and some bills.....they aren't working in the still rings......many start-up companies have the same problems.....they only got so much money.....u can NOT do everything u want to do......this however should not be taking lightly....GTEM problems are of its own making......once GTEM gets the reports out they will raise money......and NO they will NOT use it to pay off the judgements.....maybe some.....but unless they plan on renting from LAWA there really is no need to pay thay until things really get going....well assuming they get it going and don't screw it up again.

ps my guess is they will raise between 1-3 mil(about 20 mil shares) and then go from there.......if they can get the JV going...and get off the PK....i think the share price gets back to atleast .20.....with OS of 130 mil thats only a market cap of 26 mil.....their half of the JV is worth far more than that......but i am of course making alot of assumption....which may never come true.....i really shouldn't have to say that.....but some here think everthing i post is some bible of facts.