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09/17/07 7:00 PM

#48450 RE: Windsock #48447

Well hell why should the EU give a stinking crap about an american company anyway. All this does is gives meager advantages to their own companies. If you ask me this is nothing more european extortion... Don't even ask me what I think of the French... Heck they are probably behind most of this garbage along with AMD...

The EU court should not be deciding on EU matters it should be taken up on neutral court (say Switzerland or something)not an EU court... kinda like stacking the deck.. I think its high time the US put some humble pie back at the EU to try and keep these pompus clowns back in their place. IMHO... Besides all of the funding the EU is getting from AMD and such...


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Wouter Tinus

09/17/07 7:28 PM

#48457 RE: Windsock #48447

I fully agree with the classification "raging stupid" for some of the decisions in the Microsoft case. But I object against the sentiment expressed by some people here that the EU just needs to shut up and do nothing at all in case a perpetrating company happens to be American, especially when even the US themselves concluded that Microsoft is guilty.

I believe companies should be given more slack if/while there is no clear law, but the Europe has an economy at least as big as the US one, so ultimately it deserves the same kind of protection.
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09/17/07 9:25 PM

#48480 RE: Windsock #48447

fwiw, msft already did offer winxp without the media player bundled. it sold bupkis, nada, nil, zippo. nobody wanted the thing.

the eu comp commission has their head wedged...


edit: i left out *zilch*...