("Since 1957, [Qualitex] has manufactured and sold press pads by the name of "SUN GLOW" for use on dry cleaning presses."). Press pads are a kind of "industrial-strength ironing board cover." Jon Van, Manufacturer's Bright Outcome; High Court Says Color Counts as Trademark, CHI. TRIB., Mar. 29, 1995, at 1. Inspired by his observation of the setting sun filtering through leaves, the owner of Qualitex Co., Harry Campagna, reproduced the unusual blend of gold and green color in his press pads almost 30 years ago.
Well Harry has 90,000 more to sell before the end of the month and it will be interesting to see if he has the same confidence as Merritt. Right after earnings Merritt acquired 10,000 shares for around $12.00 and to the best of my knowledge he still retains those shares.
Harry would please a lot of people if he retained some or all of those 90,000 shares so let's wait and see.