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09/13/07 12:24 PM

#151539 RE: StevenDice #151537

Correct...from DRM

Now if we only knew how many they have shipped in Q3... the question we are all asking ourselves every day...

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09/13/07 12:54 PM

#151543 RE: StevenDice #151537

(Edit): No StevenDice...

STX pays Wave 1.00 for TDM lite only if their channel wants the bundle. Lenovo is one example of an OEM buying the drive that does not want the STX/Wave bundle, so Wave gets nothing on Lenovo drives. That could change if Lenovo decides they want to bundle Wave...probably Lenovo would work a license direct from Wave vs. taking TDM lite from STX. No matter what, the Lenovo end user can always just buy the software themselves from Wave or an integrator/reseller.

And when the OEM like Dell licenses direct from Wave, STX bundles nothing there either...Wave only gets a royalty from the OEM. In any case, Wave's biggest money comes when they sell ERAS support for the drive to the end user...I would guess $40.00 give or take. And this is where being in the Dell sales pipeline really helps Wave...Dell FDE buyers are able and encouraged to order ERAS when they order their PCs.

Right now, most all of the volume going out is Dell anyways (discounting what Lenovo is selling), where Wave's participation is the highest. We also know STX bundles to ASI and perhaps Tarox (actually Tarox could be Wave-direct).