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09/12/07 10:50 PM

#7785 RE: gilead23 #7784


"Lets flush lots of money down the toliet today and make us economically worse off right now just in case at some future date something bad happens that we cannot insulate ourselves from anyway."

What "future date" are you talking about???

1972,73?, 1976?, 1983?, 1989?, 1991,92,93?, 1994?, 1997?, 2001,02,03,04,05,06,07?

The whole dependence on foreign oil is something that has cost this country (in one way or another) $TRILLIONS. We could have invented and relied on every conceivable form of alternative energy imaginable in that amount of time.

The problem is the same as it always is with these bozos - tomorrow aint today.



09/12/07 10:54 PM

#7786 RE: gilead23 #7784

We could try to live within our means. We subsidize gasoline to stimulate the economy and let our children pay for the money we borrowed to do it. If gas were $6/gal, the economy would slow down, demand would slow down, we'd finally see the true cost of things and maybe come to our senses...... and we'd be less dependent on foreign oil.

I bet the impact would be less than the one we're gonna feel when this house of cards apart.