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09/08/07 6:44 PM

#7457 RE: lentinman #7456

Len, critical thinking is just as important as personal finance if not more so. If we had responsible leadership, we wouldn't have companies taking their businesses overseas. We wouldn't allow them to rape us either. And we would have our leaders working for us rather than the other way around. Personally, if I had a choice between a class on critical thinking and one on personal finance, I'd choose critical thinking, but I'd sure as hell like the idea of an elective course in personal finance. Wait just a darn minute, Wendy. I want both.


09/08/07 7:51 PM

#7461 RE: lentinman #7456


You know of course I almost agree with that post. I would however start the finance information being taught at a much earlier age. It might deflate the sales at Wal-marts toy department, but so be it. Imagine if kids started doing a cost benefit analysis of buying toy A vs. toy B.

The Wall Street Journal offers a student edition for about a $100.00 per year for an entire class of 30 students. I think it is geared for High School. I wonder how many of those they sell? Obviously a loss leader for them. I fully intend to purchase that for my kids class when the time is right. In the meantime I bought my son a few books on the subject in addition to trying to teach him what I can.

As for Kansas on a map, could be there are not enough maps in Kansas for the Kansanistas to learn where they are. We need to take up a collection for the map fund.

George is just plain funny and often correct. He has been amusing me since the Hippy Dippy Weatherman from the 60's.



09/08/07 7:54 PM

#7462 RE: lentinman #7456

You've danced all around it, but couldn't bring yourself to say it. There are no coincidences in politics. In the sixties we had affordable education for the masses (much of it was free). Once the power elite saw that people were using this education against them......that was the end. It is "insane"....and "so obvious and glaring" that I can only think that it's intentional.

I start with "what is" and equate that with what was intended. When we sometimes say that politicians are stupid because of the things they do, I would point out that they have a lot more money than most of us and they didn't come by it by being stupid.

I applaud what you've said about teaching personal finance. Prolly the most important skill one can have. Another example is personal fitness. The Chinese made martial arts mandatory in high school.

Meditation would also be a big help, but that would cut into the drug companies profits, so that also will never happen.