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09/08/07 6:14 PM

#86889 RE: serious1 #86882


Would you happen to know where in San Diego the conference on Maritime Security will be taking place and how to participate. I live in San Diego and would be able to attend and maybe even talk to Peter Khoury. Thanks!
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09/08/07 7:57 PM

#86898 RE: serious1 #86882

Serious...with respect...

I think you can bet 'they' are all watching this board....We all know who 'they' are - VK, JM, UA, LL don't we??

Their very own survival depends upon them gaining control over Hotzone & Sanswire. Today 'they' do not have that. Legally GTEM do (and they know it)

However, it is feasible to suggest that 'they' have huddled together, concocted a half viable business plan, probably approached a VC or 'Angel' to stir up 'creditor direct action' with a view to 'their' company petitioning a judge with a view to taking over the assets that 'they' want - i.e Hotzone & Sanswire, on the cheap, presenting themselves as a viable alternative moving forward...this explains all the bleating of late from VK regarding hanger rents not paid, unpaid mobile phone bills yada! yada! yawn!

The 'game' right now is Khoury/Khostro/Leinwand getting 'top $$$' (maximising shareholder value) for Hotzone & Sanswire - with a view to valuing it to such an extent that 'their' business case never sees the light of day (I hope) and the remaining assets are divested elsewhere (e.g Elisra)

IMO things have got 'personal & vindictive' between the Ks and the 'disgruntled, ex-employees' we always refer to here. Top $$$ for Hotzone & Sanswire will only happen if, for example Elisra (Elbit with deep pockets) win a US Mil contract requiring integrated airship (SANS tech) platform, married with wifi (Hotzone tech).

I don't think we will ever see a return on NMC. IMO Peralta has got cold feet over of the success criteria for NMC was dependant on stealing a march over the incumbent GSM GPRS operators before they rolled out 'wireless' internet services to under-served areas. But that has changed now, given that:-

I will eat my words if proven wrong - I hope I am, but as a shareholder I am now holding out for a decent valuation of Hotzone and Sanswire, which is really gonna hinge on a Military contract as opposed to an NMC type set up. What would Hotzone be worth if it was adopted by the Military (who knows $100M > $1B)
