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08/31/07 3:37 PM

#33725 RE: Steady_T #33724

maybe 5% (more like 2%) of the drop was from negative posts but you cannot blame the death of a heartattack victim on the fact that he stopped breathing.
cause and effect, thats the deal.

cb CAUSED the company to go broke through mis-management of funds and lack of PR's period. the shareholders were left scrambling when the post-bdc RS was announced. no CB has run this company horribly. that is a fact. the rose glasses are off. CB, by the way, still has to prove that he can run this company. he has given NO truth to ANY positive results from the drilling program what so ever. and anyone that disagrees with me, i would like them to post THE FACTS that CB is running a good business. all i see is debt, no OFFICIAL well #'s, SEC issues and NOW shareholder sucker punch (25:1).
unless i'm missing something what POSITIVE news for SHAREHOLDERS has been released in over a year?

also the shareprice dropped considerably because the longs hedged their bets. I for example sold Half my shares so as to get out from under the RED that is coming our way. i still have 423,000 shares (not for long) and am patiently waiting for CB to run this company correctly. pr's, well #'s (good or bad) and a direct communication line to the longs. that is not too much to ask from a guy who would rather all us longs that are sick of the situation to "sell and move on".

where is the positives other that the basics which CB has failed to capitalize on (7,000 acres, 2 rigs, fracs, HOA, and WILDCATTER game!).
im waiting. these are not NEGATIVE posts, these are reality.