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08/31/07 10:12 AM

#47486 RE: F6 #47484

I thank YOU so much for what you gave us/ME .. as I had absolutely no idea about Carter ... or the Zbig(love your handle for him ..;)) .. I get so confused ... as I have heard him talk - to me he seems like such a 'smart' man - but I sure never knew he could be 'that non-caring about a whole country' .. . Afghanistan .. . you would think from knowing Russia and their government so intimately that he would know the futility and outright carnage & death that these type of actions resulted in .. Carter .. too .......... sigh ...........

It's all so very sad to me .... I guess I am looking for heroes ... .. & there are none .

A side note ... I read yesterday .... 'somewhere' ... that Condi & someone were responsible for not interfering in the Iraq elections ... where everyone , except she & the 'one other ' wanted to ... to support Allawi ... and undermine Maliki..... but - she stated " ... NO ... we simply cannot preach 'democracy ' and then go about undermining the process ' .. and he listened to her ... amazing ... if true - Good for Condi ... If I 'stumble ' onto the article I will post it ...

Another, personal side note ... when I first began seeing the pictures of Afghanistan on the tube ... I was 'struck' with the BEAUTY of the country ... the 'starkness' .. the 'contrast' ... the majestic mountains ... in the background of deserts .. etc.. the moon - .. the sun ...the 'beauty of it all - took my breath away ' - now that I know why their landscape became that way's devastating to me ..! ... sometimes I love learning .... sometimes I don't ...... .. it's all so incredibly sad ....until these last 7 years ... I never knew I was such a naive person and most of all such a dreamer ...... .. never knew my inner desire/need to have 'heroes ' ..... .. I'm .. shaking my head ... .

once again ... I truly Thank YOU .. it was sooooooooo 'perfect' ... that you were able to 'know' and give me the 'reason' why Luke ... the photographer had 'that' terrible sense of foreboding knowledge .. and 'knew' his time was limited in the country for HIS purpose .... I love the part where he said ... ".. I have never been ..' interested in politics ' .. not a direct quote ... (I only have 'one window ' open .. ;)) .. .

one more 'note' ...;) ... I had never 'stumbled' onto those pictures until yesterday ... I had no idea where they would take me ... and I still have no idea .. where 'they' are going or how many are left in his work

Thank YOU ... dear 'Man' ... ... signed ...

dreamer ......;)


10/09/14 11:34 AM

#229070 RE: F6 #47484

and to tie in -- (linked in): and preceding (and any future following)


10/09/14 10:40 PM

#229096 RE: F6 #47484

This beautiful walk down memory lane, got me thinking about a few things ..I went to find out what other foreign nations had fought Afghanistan ..and I found out England attacked it twice, three times actually. twice in the 18th century and once in the 19th. And all other sorts of people and countries have fought there. Invasions of Afghanistan [ ] Can you just imagine what this pristine land looked like? Before all the humans? Surely it must have been one of the most beautiful spots in the world.

Then I read your 'referenced' nyt article, The Mysteries of Kabul, written in 2007 and I couldn't help but think how very very fast things change. He repeats that the Taliban has been defeated a few times and I didn't even know that. Also I didn't know that Kabul was safe for us since 2001 ...Anyway, Through those beautiful photos we all got a slice of the Beauty of Afghanistan and some of the people who live there. I remember many articles with photos (not these) that all of us posted, even the Taliban and photos from times past of the Northern . .what was it called? was the Northern Alliance? anyway it was the Good Guys . .;) And now There is a Good Guy from that alliance from the North who is sharing power with (imo) a questionable guy (Karzai's guy) .. so we shall see how all this works. I do know they hate us right now, I mean the majority of the people and who could blame them? It's so bad that it's come to -- is it worse to leave? or worse to stay -- and we will have to have more troops than what we think we will need because what they have planned will not be enough to withstand the hate that is rightly directed at us. I'll post something later ..

anyway.. Thanks for going through that again and UPDATING our photos. It sure was needed .. .when I posted that, there was a magic in the air .. I mean it, The places were just so beautiful and the interesting notes he gave us and all the people so talented in so many varied ways.. . I hope we get some new photographs one day. Anyway, Thanks again F6, for taking the time to post those, they are so very valuable and it's nice to know that people on fb agree with us too..;)


10/10/14 1:26 AM

#229103 RE: F6 #47484

Last Tango in Kabul

there is a photo here and I can't post it, it's huge. It says this:

Since January, foreign civilians have been targeted by insurgents in Kabul.

While war raged across Afghanistan, expats lived
in a bubble of good times and easy money. But as
the U.S. withdraws, life has taken a deadly turn

By Matthieu Aikins | August 18, 2014

This article which isn't too long ago only August, is the reason that I have a hard time thinking that 'we defeated the Taliban. Yes, I do know they have an office is it Qatar or UAE? .. I don't know where but in one of those states and we have been sort of talking . .but after reading this .. I'd say .. Don't Bother talking . .just Get the Hell OUT OF there! ..

so, this is why I find it hard to believe that 'WE" defeated the Taliban. What we can see is another Failed Central Government as we leave ( I guess) which means well, imo, it means Libya or Iraq or worse than all of them ...forgive me. when we read this and please take the time to do so we know and we can understand and hell, all I'm left with is ... Let's GET OUT of THERE! .. .