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08/29/07 12:30 PM

#239868 RE: IWearDiamonds #239867

better than a link is a posting LOL.. Plus its easier to read than that white on black site:

Ms. Leslie Hakala
U.S.Securities & Exch Comm. Pacific Regional Office
11th Fl Ste 1100
5670 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036-5679

August 28, 2007

Dear Ms. Hakala,

I am a shareholder of CMKX (CMKM Diamonds Inc) and I write this to further assist with your investigation specifically as it relates to Marco Glisson (aka Delidog and company address below).
Marco Glisson aka “Delidog”
1026 N Washington St
Janesville, WI 53548-1561

I understand Marco (with his attorney) spent two days last week at your office explaining his participation in the buying and selling of CMKX stock after revocation. Please allow me to give details that I am confident “Deli” probably forgot to mention.

Marco took advantage of the CMKX scam of the past to develop his own in my opinion. Once CMKX was revoked, Marco began to tell people he and Urban Casavant (previous CMKX president now under investigation and in hiding) were best friends and that he often shared dinners with Urban. He did this through several internet sites of which I list below.
1) Paltalk- sub category Business & Finance, sub category Investments, room CMKX International Room 500 (password in caps is PAYDAY)
2) Paltalk-sub category Business & Finance, sub category investments, room “The Grape Vine” (password is wynn)
3) Paltalk-sub category Business & Finance, sub category investments, room “Pro CMKX” (password is urban)
4) (now private but wasn’t during the scamming)

Marco would hype the posters/victims in these rooms continuing with the same form of pumpfest done by the Casavants; misleading them to believe they should buy more stock (even after it was revoked by the SEC) for unrealistic wealth. Many of these first time investors were convinced of big money potential and Marco’s well promoted personal agenda created quite a market for billions of shares. In most cases, Marco would resell the stock at double the price he bought it for. The head staff of one of the paltalk rooms (“INES”) took Marco’s information to several other message boards promoting that Marco was in business buying and selling CMKX “cookies”. It turned into quite a business for Marco and his last bragging was he had made more than one million dollars profit off his venture. To assist with the promotion, the International Room used a guru Roger J. Stelma aka “accadacca”. Public information of him below.
17th Circuit Court Hearing Schedule Search Results
Party Name Time Room Judge's Last Name Status

“Acca” would come in to the CMKX International Room 500 almost daily saying he worked for Urban and money is coming “next week” for everyone. Many of these people believed in the touting done (and promoted by the head administrator of the room) ……running to Marco to buy more shares. Marco bragged on almost a daily basis of how good everyone was going to do financially and he worked closely with CMKX’s transfer agent Helen Bagley to get the transactions completed and the stock certificates reissued to the new buyers. (also hear Helen is under investigation)
Helen Bagley - President
7361 Prairie Falcon Road, Suite 110. Las Vegas, NV

The CMKX International Room administrator (INES) would make mp3’s of “acca” promising the check is in the mail almost weekly and post that mp3 on many of the 35 CMKX message boards on the internet. All the while this administrator (INES) would collect “room rent” totaling several thousands of dollars. None of this money has been reported as income and it continues even today. The room has been a good source of income over the last year for several.

Marco Glisson has found a very small loophole to promote a scam for profit. CMKX is currently under new “honorable” management and is currently getting the necessary paperwork to return to trading status. Also at this time, the corporate attorney has several “filings” in the court to bring wrongdoers to justice. You can see company litigation documents here:

Much of the touting / pumping that went on both in Paltalk Rooms and Message Boards has been copied and/or recorded via mp3’s. Should you find the need to have any of them to further your investigations to charge Mr. Glisson; I will try and get the information together for you. Many on the message boards have them and are extremely frustrated at the lack of formal charges against Mr. Glisson and his cohorts for their continued fleecing of the CMKX shareholder base and I’m sure would be happy to pass them along. As of late, Marco is telling some of his customers what they should say if contacted by your office. To me, that is witness tampering and he is running interference within your investigation.

I respectfully request you continue to investigate this until you are able to bring justice to anyone participating in stealing money from the small time investor.



cc: Bill Frizzell Law Firm Tyler Texas
SEC complaints at
FBI & NW3C at
IRS Fraud Reporting at
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08/29/07 12:55 PM

#239869 RE: IWearDiamonds #239867

its kind of hard for me to feel much about this coming from fishing4diamonds ... who did pretty much the same thing on many many cmkx boards - pumping cmkx & the casavants like crazy

but the fact deli is a snake true
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08/29/07 2:01 PM

#239873 RE: IWearDiamonds #239867

Jim Dunn Racing, CMKXtreme and The Deli Dog House have teamed up to provide a special treat to CMKX shareholders at the NHRA Drag Race in Chicago, Illinois. The Deli Dog House is going to provide free Chicago Style Hot Dog's Saturday & Sunday to CMKX shareholders at the Jim Dunn Racing/Got CMKX? Funny Car Hospitality Area located in the pit area for CMKXtreme Team.
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08/29/07 2:06 PM

#239874 RE: IWearDiamonds #239867

The Deli Dog House was a special treat for all the CMKX guests who attended the race.

“The Jim Dunn Racing team wants to extend our thanks to Marco and Betty Glisson of the Deli Dog House from Janesville, Wisconsin for supplying our team and the CMKX shareholders with food and drinks throughout the weekend,” said Jim Dunn. “Hopefully we can welcome them again when we return to Route 66 Raceway in the fall.”

“The Deli Dog House was a welcomed addition to our Got CMKX? pit area in Chicago,” said Urban Casavant. “I'd like to personally thank Marco and Betty and their entire staff for helping to make our weekend a success.”