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08/28/07 10:33 AM

#12661 RE: amarkiii #12659

Preoccupation? Although Rob has in the past been quick to point out some inconsistencies or false predictions/facts from techno, I have benefitted from Techno's past posts, and as a long time poster, his credibility is established through time tested communication with management (it could not therefore EXCEED managment's credibility). Anyway, I happen to respect each person's God given individuality and am made uneasy when that is taken over in secrect - even with a trusted friend. I wouldn't want the VP to take over as President without us being informed. You might think that's a stretch analogy for message board posters, but it speaks to the heart of who is EXPECTED to share ideas, and who is actually at the helm.. If those who post 'could care less' whether their ideas are valuable or respected, then they would NOT post..
What good is a conversation or the sharing of ideas if the reciprocal view were assumed from the posters whose views differ that they too 'could care less'... Ideas without response are left to the news agencies and NOT message boards, where they are shared. That's enough from me. I'll leave you guys to keep posting several times a day 'call me', 'if you have time to post, then...' and of course the incessant, 'I think you want my brother'...


08/28/07 12:52 PM

#12663 RE: amarkiii #12659

I appreciate Techno's insight as much as the rest of us, but I sure wouldn't go out and buy 20,000 based on his info. Then again perhaps you have not been a shareholder for 6 years either and may not be jaded.

With all this talk about aliases and Techno's brother and people pointing out that he is trying to cover himself, does anyone find it odd that Frisco would fax him a letter?

In the last press release the company clearly says, "The only authorized representatives of the company are: Patrick Herda, Ken Faith, Jack Young and Fred Frisco and the only authorized investor relations telephone number is (202) 580-8330. The company is not responsible for information transmitted by an unauthorized third party or through calls made to or from an unauthorized telephone number." Then a couple of days later Frisco gives Techno a letter to make public. NSOL is covered because Techno is not authorized, and then there's the Techno, Techno brother thing.

I am not saying the info is not correct and I for one appreciate all that this board has to offer (except for that Victor idiot) but you may want to base your buying decisions on company info. Then again I have been wrong many times.