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08/22/07 10:49 AM

#25061 RE: THE MATADOR #25058


Hold that thought. Gotta go, but I'll be back in a bit to explain that too.



08/27/07 3:31 AM

#25636 RE: THE MATADOR #25058

Overyy, to answer your thoughts…

I do have friends in which are honest with me enough to tell me about my posts… how long they are, sounds like hyping, unrealistic, too much passion for a penny stock, etc. Some friends see my posts the contrary from what I just mentioned. I never take any of that personal as I do understand why they would say such a thing. I have taken some of their thoughts constructively to post certain ways as necessary. Heck, if you think I’m bad now, you should have seen me before I realized some of these things to calm me down a bit (LOL).

I really do know how it could be perceived, but once I develop a passion for the potential success a stock reveals to help thousands of people, I post as such. I was told that sometimes it might have me looking as if I am desperate for the stock to move or pumping it to dump shares. Well, I just can’t worry “too much” about what people think. I do listen, but such doesn’t mean I would agree with what’s being told. That’s the variety in life that makes us all different.

Well, I have to tell you that if you see me posting positive on a stock, it’s because I really do believe in it as an opportunity to help lots of people in a positive and constructive way. Still, it probably won’t be the only stock I’m in, but sometimes it just hits me to only want to post about one stock because of something that “I think” I might have discovered that’s worth me jumping up and down to get people to see it. Not because I’m trying to dump shares on people or need for the price to go up because I need money. Yes, I do plan on selling one day, but I plan on doing so at much much higher levels.

Overyy, please understand. I am straight financially for life. If I don’t buy or sell another stock in my life, I will be fine. I have obtained goals within my military career to position me for such. I am already at peace with myself with this. I do stocks as an outlet from many things over the years. It has somewhat became addictive and is fun when I think I have found an undervalued gem as what I think with WNSH. Please don’t take my majority of posting on one stock the wrong way. Actually, this isn’t my only one that I talk about sometime, but I did see that it was many WNSH posts.

I like it better when the odds put you and your thoughts as the “Underdog” for transpiring. Once I develop that passion for a stock, then my time available comes into play as a variable. It's a bad feeling when you spread yourself to thin and I try not to do such too. Heck, there are other stocks I like, but it has to hit me to want to post as I do with WNSH. I have had this "posting on one stock" for the majority of my posting years with many stocks. WNSH is just the one now that I like the most and that you are aware of.

I hope that helps you to better understand.



08/28/07 4:00 AM

#25964 RE: THE MATADOR #25058

Overyy, I forgot one other thought…

To add to those other thoughts I posted to answer your question as to why so many posts on WNSH and WNSH alone.

Sometime, it’s just a feeling, but I do think that I should be careful in spreading myself to thin in talking about many stocks at one time. Some people do it well. I have had my moments for both doing it well and doing it not so well. Talking about a good many stocks seems to lead people to think more so that you are a pump and dumper because of the lack of time sharing thoughts too from one stock to another.

It’s better for me to be a “Swing Trader” with stocks because of my style of posting. I’ve learned to not upset so many people if things don’t turn out for the better when I’m swing trading versus day trading although I always reserve that right to do so if need be because of those two variables I talked about before; time and price.

Since well over 90% of the penny stocks fail, the odds are against you for talking about more stocks. The more stocks you talk about, the more potential bag holders you are making out of people. It saddens me to know that which is why I like my odds for isolating my time down to 1, 2, or 3 stocks or so to better try to find those select few success stocks. At least if I am wrong about a stock, there are potentially less people I would hurt.

Also, if you spend too much time researching many stocks in detail, there is a good chance that you can miss out on a gem right before your eyes from spreading yourself too thin. WNSH is a good example. I have discovered much about the potential of WNSH because of the time I have invested learning about WNSH. If much found would have been negative, then I would have moved on a long time ago. Hopefully this better answers your question.
