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08/16/07 10:22 AM

#32820 RE: man alive #32819

No I didnt hear that, I heard the opening remarks by JC, the dialogue about the Q&A, CB reading a email about message board posters? Dribs and drabs of different conversations. It was quite frustrating because of the technical problems on their end. They didnt expect the overwhelming response and the equipment couldnt handle it. I'll have to wait for a re-broadcast to hear all of it.

I dont know if CB slipped, by law the preferreds are locked up for a year, he has no choice in that. In a years time with what I'm hearing, he wont need the preferreds, so for right now, its a technical issue.

CB built this company from nothing, we squabble about it, yet none of us has put in a days worth of sweat working beside the man. Yes we've invested dollars with him to continue what he's doing, and we've set timelines to get a return, cept things dont always work out the way we've planned, nothing in the course of our lives usually does.

If he needs more time, thats fine with me, if needs more shares, thats fine too. There's just so much of thet "stuff" underground, and everyone who has a rig worldwide is drilling furiously trying to get at it before someone else does.

How funny would it be, if we all had to saddle up a horse for our commute to work...hybrids, electric cars, biofuel, its all pretty close, but not quite there yet. Windmills and solar to take the place of coal and natural gas for electrical generation, not quite there yet.

We're a world dominant on fossil fuels, wars start because of it. If what CB's doing can make a ounce of differance in the worldwide scheme of things, I'm all for it.