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08/15/07 1:13 PM

#159 RE: Telephonics #158


The current market turmoil and attendant drop in stock prices is directly attributable to the lack of supervision over the hedge funds. If these gluttonous groups had not been so eager to buy up sub prime mortgages this would not have happened. Of course the real basic cause was the issuance of sub prime mortgages in the first place. Most of these borrowers never had any chance of repaying their loans, but the loan originator didn't care. He sold the mortgage as soon as the signatures dried on the paper and took his money out of it.But if he knew he had to hold that paper he never would have given the loan to begin with.,

Telephonics thanks for the info -
Its in harmony with that the hedge fundz -
don't know nothing -
about what they are doing -
brainwashed only on their banksterz fiatz$ hoax???

The hedge fundz are famous for short selling -
and the illegal nss naked short sellingz -
REFCO - walked away with about $450mil. in illegal nss
criminalz but no one was put in jail -
part of the nss banksterz do any crime they want? -
but NO ONE 666 GOES TO JAIL? -
only Martha Stewart 888 goes to jail -
for peanutz rulez US -
soon copy of bolshevikz russia 666 destructionz? -
that's part of 666 destructionz planz for America -

I don't agree with anything the 666 banksterZ done -
its to NO good for America -
I am 100% contrarian to the 666 hedge evilz -

Only in America.
Sometimes I feel we are our own worst enemy!

thanks Telephonics that's well said and about 100% true -

more and more I feel to not say to much anymore -

the nss bolshevikz 666 evilz 9/11 terrorize -
all good companies in America -
and the nss naked short selling continued -
on all companies the nss want to take over for peanutz -

the nss 666 killed 1000s of CEO's in 9/11 -
to continue to destroy and short sell their companies -
after the 666 first killed and murdered all 888 genius -
IT people - in The Worlds Trade Centre -

the manipulationz and no law and rules in America -
needs to be 100% overhauled by 888 democracy -
and fair Law people without the 666 evilz destroy all -

Freedom and Liberty in America -
God Bless America -

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08/15/07 3:01 PM

#160 RE: Telephonics #158

On October 15th, all 'Naked Short' positions in public companies must be covered.

The long awaited removal of the "Grandfather Clause" has today been officially posted in the Federal Register for removal.

On October 15th, all 'Naked Short' positions in public companies must be covered.

Now if the SEC will ENFORCE this with lightning speed from the morning of October 15th, ...we might see a change in the investment picture everywhere in this market.
- ??? -

FYS. ex. ??? -
what a mafia circuz banksterz 666 clownz -
have heard about the same 100's of times before? -
same thing 2-6 mon. from now -
(we have to wait for a total market crash first ?) -

its makes the hoax of US banksterz evilz only worse -
underworld jockerz floating on top of the law -

No Law rules enforcements for 666 -
only 888 Martha goes to jail for peanutz -

the 666 bathing in trillionz fiatz -
robbed from 888 - enron, bre-x, wcom etc. 1000s pumped by -
banksterz fundz - only to be robbed by the same ownerz -
hedgefundz -

666banksterz evilz circuz rolling around the world -
the banksterz 666evilz wordz - not worth to repeat!

In God We Trust
God Bless America