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08/17/07 12:45 PM

#161 RE: NYBob #160

Fed warns of $100bn credit losses -
Ben Bernanke, Fed chairman
Ben Bernanke's comments are closely watched
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has warned that the crisis
in the US sub-prime lending market could cost up to $100bn.

the fed printing up 100bil more fiatz -

their fellowz at the 20 hedge 666 fundz -
gets the missing 100 billion -
to a tax paradise island -

only Martha 888 goes to jail -
the 666 fellows who rob the fed -
will be padded on the back -

just like the REFCO boyz taking away -
more than $450 mil.?
missing from their nss illegal naked short sellings -
their prime functionz -
but no one to jail? -

now 20 more nss hedge fundz -
want to do the same hoax? -
go away with the missing fiatz$ -

only Martha888 goes to jail!!!

666fiatz fraud circuz? -
goes to the beach with lap tops -
to sell more nss?

only Martha888 goes to jail!!!
God Bless America -

666fiatz fraud circuz? -
goes to the beach with lap tops -
to sell more illegal nss?
for another 100 billion? -

want to earn free bucky on the market crash?
want to sit a tax paradise were its no or less risk -
for the long law arms ?
enron, refco, yukos etc.
handel it all -
so no 666boys goes to jail -
only 888Martha!

fyi. message from another forum
on another board!
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08/27/07 5:04 AM

#162 RE: NYBob #160


rrufff thanks -

RE: the major nss event -
started at 9/11 -

Chart shows the IT-comp. index crash at 9/11 World Trade Ctr. - 666terror -

At 9/11 3000 genius 888 IT-Comp. CEO's etc. murdered -
by the 666terrorist -

after 9/11 terror the 666terrorist continue to nss the IT -
companies who lost -

their CEO's directors etc. to 9/11 -

about $6 trillion was robbed from the 888 IT-companies -
by the 666terrorist evilz -

yes - the 666evilz continue to nss all American companies etc. -
to rob, plunder and destroy -

America Freedom and Liberty -

as the 666bolshevikz did in Great Russia -

history repeat itself -

btw. 100 years minimum in jail to all 666nss-terrorists are overdue -
Imo. Tia.
God Bless America


this pattern - is it how the 666 operate -
first nss destroy the 888companies -
so the666nss can rob them for peanutz later?

How the nss666evilz operate its more info below -