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01/23/04 4:03 PM

#12067 RE: RichD #12060

<<dilleet, c'mon...Human rights?? Like these guy are being tortured?? What we call "prison" in this country is like a freakin' holiday for most people around the world. Give me a break. >>

yeah, Rich...human rights. I was speaking with a parent of one of my daughter's basketball team teammates on Tuesday night at the game. he is a colonel in the army and was heading back to iraq. he hadn't been back to iraq since may but he had been spending time in afghanistan and kuwait and other areas.

i started the conversation jokingly asking him if he was headed back to get the straight story out of saddam. he said 'i wish'. he described his upcoming mission as one that involved investigating treatment of POWs. he described it as pretty bad. he remembered his last look at the 'prison camp' back in May...this one was in the vicinity of the baghdad airport. he didn't hesitate in describing it as 'pretty damn bad'.

so...we ain't saints. but at least we keep an eye on it...
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01/23/04 4:47 PM

#12071 RE: RichD #12060

Thats exactly the kind of arrogance that makes us hated. You are assuming that everyone wants to be here, rich and live this lifestyle, that it is only resentment & envy that makes people dislike America.
I have travelled a little bit, also seen the inside of San Quentin, LA County Jail, Folsom Prison and the state prison in Baja California. I am sorry but there is no Zagat guide for prisons, they are all deplorable.
If proven and convicted then they are bad guys, for now they are only accused.
In my humble, sheltered little life and my Club Med travels, I find most people love their homes, take pride in their culture, history & traditions. It is our great misconception that everyone envies and wants to be like us, hell I don't even want to be like us...
You make me not proud to be an American.
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01/24/04 11:18 AM

#12088 RE: RichD #12060

OT: iraqi Blunder and a Stealth Tax Hikes ?

Sure you could probably give these people in Iraq what they want, but five or ten years down the road that country will be worst all then it was with Saddam or the Taliban ruling it. These people don’t know what is good for them. How could they, they have had their human rights abused for so long, they don’t know good from bad, let alone right from wrong, or how to create a good government that will allow them to be free and prosper.

Rich, Which US administration aided and abetted both Saddam and the Taliban for geopolitical purposes ? The Reagan administration. It appears that its the Republicans that don't know the difference between Right and Wrong. Why should we trust this administration to do the right thing now. While they spout freedom and democracy for iraq they have been chipping away at American civil liberties and Free market economics. Read the patriots act. Unfunded mandates that shifts the tax burden to the state and local governments. The medicare bill they just passed inhibits the freemarket for prescription drugs by outlawing negotiations for bulk purchases which will keep the prices high and shifts the burden to the working class that pays for medicare. Net affect a tax increase. Just like Reagan which added a seperate line item for FICA. While claiming they have given us a tax cut.

Heck, how long did it take for the US to establish itself as a prosperous self-sufficient country ? A very long time with *many* lives lost creating it because evil never passes up the opportunity to stick its ugly head in.

Change needs to come from the iraqi people. You cannot impose radical change on a country that has no common culture.

These people want what we got but are not willing to work for it.

Well, if you had no means of feeding your family because foreigners have invaded your country and no work is available you would be angry too.

Just as Reagan used Iraq as a geopolitical tool the current administration is doing the same at the cost of both American and iraqi lives.

Altaire4 ..... Wake up America !!!!