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08/11/07 3:32 PM

#32075 RE: falconer66a #32074

Can I post your yes vote on the list falconer66a
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08/11/07 3:39 PM

#32076 RE: falconer66a #32074

"To date—without incurring debt—corporate financial assets have been turned into 7000 acres of valuable drilling leases, two drilling rigs (and other equipment), along with some new extraction technologies that will perhaps yield great results when fully developed and installed." That's a laugher! Thanks. Maybe in your in depth analysis you forgot about the $2,000,000+ debt to the brother, or the current liabilities posted in the last filing,etc. The biggest "debt" has been the massive dilution to the common shareholder but that is being r/s'ed out now. You've been almost 100% wrong in the past so I'd guess you will be 100% wrong in the future. There was an option in the past though,SELL. Hopefully you got caught in a bad trade as other "innocent" people did.
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08/11/07 3:50 PM

#32079 RE: falconer66a #32074

Nice testimonial with a dumpster full of forward-looking dreams. 2 simple questions.

1)If a company's assets are worth so much, why would somebody stoop to threatening to dissolve the company?

2)"Right now, that’s utterly foolish. At less than two cents a share, there can’t possibly be any price plunge. That’s already happened."

>>> Oh, really? Would you like to see some charts that dropped a further approximate 90% after an RS with potential large dilution of shares? It can happen.

Falconer, IMO, you missed the third possibility that makes a lot more sense. Throw this ridiculous proposal out the window and quickly replace it with one that fits with one that is a win-win-win proposal for all...........Just my opinion.
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08/11/07 4:03 PM

#32081 RE: falconer66a #32074

"In short, I have every confidence that AMEP is moving forward toward operational profitability. Everyone should intelligently note that Bitters simply doesn’t incur any massive or debilitating debts. That’s so rare in progressing upstart corporations. The company’s debt-free status allows it to stick to the knitting, however slow it might presently be.

In time (admittedly, not as fast as in my earlier posting), I’m convinced that AMEP will attain the projected revenues. The company has elected to go slow and steady toward eventual successes. It continues to move in exactly the directions I and other astute investors desire. Nothing but short-term results have been lost.

Long term, in two, three, or four years, AMEP can’t help be a remarkable return for those who have carefully invested for returns on the distant horizon. The possibility of an outside buyout has been raised. That is probably the worst that could happen to the company, at a share price much reduced from what it might be in five years or so. I’m very much against any takeover, and I wouldn’t sell a single one of my several million shares for less than two or two and half dollars. (As good as that might be, it is still only a fraction of where the company will be in five to ten years.)" #22493

"If it fails, things will continue just as they have, and that’s not acceptable." posted today.....

Falconer...with all due respect....would you mind clarifying exactly what your postion is??? Which one is it? Did it change to substantiate a "YES" vote? As you say, nothing else has changed...except an R/S proposal and your view on things....
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08/11/07 4:37 PM

#32086 RE: falconer66a #32074

"The matters of whether company principals are nice guys, good communicators, or any other such issue is not what we are voting for or against."

Whether they are worthy of being entrusted with another 480MM A/S is germane, is it not? The only basis on which to make that judgment is past performance, including the accuracy, adequacy and chosen modes of their communications to date.

"An inordinate number of posters believe that share value is based upon the number of shares owned, that if ones share count is reduced by a factor of 25, so will ones relative ownership of the company. I’m not interested at all in how many shares I own. I’m interested in what percent of the outstanding shares I own."

Pure sophistry. You're fully aware that the concerns expressed regarding decreased ownership interest always have been based on the potential for additional share issuance that the R/S introduces.

"With the increased funds the reverse share proposal will bring, I (and all other AMEP investors) will be significantly ahead in coming quarters."

You sound very certain. Would you be willing to guarantee this for the skeptics you condescendingly refer to as "fools"?

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08/11/07 7:40 PM

#32106 RE: falconer66a #32074

Hello, Falconer66a// Like you I also voted my 559,500 shares for the R/S for some of the same reason you outlined.

I do feel Reducing the Float will in the long run be a very good thing.

If the R/S passes and I for one feel it will.. I want to find out how soon the actual R/S will take effect.. I figure it will have a set date for shareholders of record.

I am told that CB is not interested at the current PPS to go out and structure any deals with private placment money with the shares price as low as it is.

I figure if the R/S passes and the Actual date of the split is say 30 days out.. That will then give AMEP and Management time to start to get some news out and get the PPS moving up.

Remember this.. If the PPS starts to move up on additional news after the R/S Passes. CB will in effect be giving someone fewer shares for any Dollars they maybe investing into AMEP..That will be in our best interest.. I am told CB is not to happey with the current PPS and wants to get it up so as to issued as few as number of shares as possible.. He also will be giving this mysterious PP Group less control of the outstanding float.

It's quite possible news will be forth coming after the R/S passes.. This along with the first non BDC quarterly filing that is due on or around august 15th will start to give us a better understanding of the current financials.

It would be my hope that CB & JC both will start to do a better job of communicating with shareholders after the Vote. No matter which way the vote goes I will support the majority..

I Also took into consideration that shares that are given to a Private Placement are going to be shares that are 144 locked up shares..This PP money seems willing to accept shares and they must have some good indications of what the future holds going forward for AMEP for them to consider doing this..

I also feel very strongly about getting off the OTCBB Market sometime in the future.. We are out of sight and reach to main street Wall Street. Few if any Mutual Funds, Institutional Bankers, State Retirement funds etc will even bother to look at and OTCBB Stock..

I do not know if it's possible but in my wildest dreams I would like to see the PPS head to .22-.25 range after the R/S passes and prior to the effective date of record for the split..

If the shares price could get high enough it just might be possible to make a move off the OTCBB Market to another exchange all at the same time.. Is it possible.. Ya.. But it will be a tough thing to pull off especially with the current group of shares holders on board.

If the R/S passes and the PPS would happen to start to rise with some additional good news. I do feel that many of the current shareholders will be net sellers looking to get back to even.. Will some smart money be lurking trying to buy shares from those who are looking to get out..

If this Private Placement group really likes what the future holds for AMEP I would like to see them be willing to support the PPS and take some of the current shareholders out as the PPS starts to rise. I know it's a lot of wishful thinking on my part.

Anyhow for now I am just going to sit back and wait. I really do not have much choice.. Last week at I somehow managed to tear my Left Knee. I have a Complex Tear of the Posterior Horn of the Medial Meniscus. I see the Orthopedic Surgeon this coming weds to set a date and time for him to repair my lfet knee. I am told I will not be able to put any weight on my lfet knee for about 3 weeks.. Bummer..

I will have some time on my hands so I may be posting a little more than normal for the next couple months... I am also trying to reach Charles Biters to try and get a better idea of how soon the R/S would actually go into effect if indeed it does pass.

Godd luck to all FFB-Fish

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08/11/07 8:02 PM

#32108 RE: falconer66a #32074

Great post and why I am voting yes. Wished I had read your post before posting. Thanks!

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08/11/07 8:24 PM

#32114 RE: falconer66a #32074

"Why I Voted YES." falconer, your reasoning for voting 'FOR' the proxy is covered very well in your post, and speaks for many that have come to that conclusion after careful consideration. The factors are complex, as well as the decision process; thanks for your thoughts and reasoning.
GL falconer,
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08/11/07 8:48 PM

#32120 RE: falconer66a #32074

then you made the wrong vote if you made it personal between you and the no votes. we voted no because of mgmt handling of the company. and you voted yes to spite the no's. brilliant.
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08/11/07 11:51 PM

#32145 RE: falconer66a #32074


Plan ahead. Most companies have a 3-5 year businees plan.

2003 10-K Dec 31,2003 93,051,449

2004 10-K April 8,2005 298,030,234

2005 10-Q Sept 30,2005 334,276,386

2005 10-K March 30,2006 454,370,082

2006 10-Q Sept 30,2006 494,170,082

2006 10-K March 1 ,2007 494,170,082