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Dolly Llama

08/07/07 1:41 PM

#45268 RE: florist #45252

Thanks, pal. But something even weirder happened this morning. I was sitting here at the computer reading, and all of a sudden everything kind of.... I don't know.... changed. It was like totally unearthly. Everything got really intense. It made me have to half shut my eyes just to look at it. It was like the colors in the room suddenly got turned up. You know. Like when you mess with the color level on your TV? But it wasn't the same everywhere. Some parts of the room were stronger than others. And there were these distinct lines and patterns that just appeared out of nowhere. Some parts got really intense, while other parts didn't. And then I looked out the window, and it was like psychedelic. I mean it. I never took any of those drugs, but this is what I imagine it must have looked like to be on LSD. I couldn't BELIEVE the colors! And the same thing was happening outside as in my computer room. Everything was organized so that some things were brighter and kind of jumping-out-dazzly, while other things were much darker and plainer. And it all was organized into distinct groups with sharp borders all neatly laid out in patterns. In fact, the patterns seemed almost to match the objects that were near them. It was so unreal! And even the sky was different. Instead of white, some of it looked distinctly... I know you're going to think I'm crazy... but parts of the sky appeared to have turned blue. Honestly, I'm not making this up. It happened just like that. I don't know any other way to describe it, but it reminded me of something I've seen before... can't put my finger on it.... but like something I haven't seen in a long, long time.

I didn't have time to grab a camera before it all went away, but I found some pictures on the net that looked just like it.

Notice the bright zone, and the patches of sky that appear almost blue.
Observe the groupings and patterns that seem to jump out of the floor.
Note how they line up with the objects closest to them.

Note the mysterious dark region to the right of the magpie.