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07/23/07 9:03 PM

#7318 RE: crude-dude #7317

Buying 90,000,000 shares at $.07 = $6.3M and you control the company.

What would the payback have to be to recoup that investment in..say six years? What would BD's production (and NET revenues need to be on annnual basis?

Or, what would BD's production and NET revenues need to be to earn said investor(s) a 100% yield on their money?

Forgetting all that about a stock price increase in the range of $.20/share....

Suggests that (1)IF the production numbers can be verified, and (2)IF the actual revenues to BD can be verified, and (3)IF the new oil reserve analysis can be significantly substantiated as being something really worthwhile, and (4)IF the price of oil remains steady or rises (more likely) and (5)IF the new management can rid the company of Lanza influences and effect operational efficiences and effectiveness....the potential for that price increase (and higher)looks pretty good.

Credibility should return with new, capable, and proven management in place. An up to date SEC compliant Audit should put BD back on people's radar screens. The rest is up to the drills, the rigs, the weather, and the transports.

Here's hoping!

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07/24/07 12:42 AM

#7323 RE: crude-dude #7317

Did you note stockholder equity increased by 60%?

Did you note total liabilites were reduced by 26%?

Did you note total assets increased by 12.7%?

Did you note longterm liabilities/convertible notes were reduced by more than 37%?

Did you note a net operating income in 2006 vs a net operating loss in 2005?

Did you note, even with the sales of shares in 2006, the net income (loss) per share was TEN (10) times better in 2006 than in 2005? 2006 was 0.002/sh loss and 2005 was 0.02/sh loss - a ten fold improvement.

What is wrong with a ten fold improvement in net income per share in a year?

Did you note the $0.315 per share sales?

Did you note the $0.25 per share sale?

Did you note the $1.00 per share sale?

I also noted the $0.10 per share sale.

Did you also note, the 68,241,000 shares outstanding, at the end of 2006? If you take the additional 762,000 shares sold (2007) that was listed in the subsequent events section (last page) and add to the 68,241,000 shares, the share count should have been 69,003,000 at the time of the unaudited report prepreation that was posted July 18, 2007.

I don't believe the millions of shares being sold NOW equates to the less than 750,000 shares sold this year/time of report prep.