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07/18/07 10:17 PM

#29940 RE: curlyjoe #29920

cmon man, we will replace them with the best people the company can find! otherwise like the "vote yes" crowd, you want more of the same. and I would LOVE to be on the BOD! i have a degree from a university, i have been on BOD's before etc. you all think that you need oil and gas experience to be on a BOD but you dont. you just need to do whats best for the shareholders of the company (thats a lil simplified). but dont make it a mountain. a good BOD has a diverse group; people from different backgrounds in ethics, law, common man experience etc. these are things that make a solid BOD. and i think you would be surprised at the people who post on ihub. i bet over half on ihub make great incomes with college degrees and world experience. plus a BOD should revolve, it gets new blood pumping. plus the BOD/mgmt we have now has just about killed the company. a oil and gas company with record prices should not be BROKE and in/out SEC trouble with the asssets and proven reserves that amep has. and if it is then heads should roll, starting with the BOD. plus why didnt CB get this "paid advice" before it was a crisis? also if JC put out pr's he wouldnt spentd allot of his days putting out fires on the phone to shareholders!!!

sorry for the common sense.
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07/19/07 10:49 AM

#29978 RE: curlyjoe #29920

curleyjoe -

I don't see myself as a member of the BOD. I'm well up in my 70s, and although stll physically strong and active the memory and attention span ain't what they used to be.

Based on company needs, ideally I'd like to see; 1), Somebody trained in corporate law, 2),Somebody who understands group psychology who could orchestrate news stories and press releases to boost the stock price, and then raise money without overly squeezing the shareholders, and 3), Somebody who understands business and finance.

Prior membership on a BOD for at least one would help. Actually, I think membership on this board is a bit of a plus, as we are all already familiar with the situation.

It is a surreal situation though, dealing with curleyjoes and greeneyedhawks and hoselrockets. We need names and resumes and references.