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07/13/07 10:23 AM

#29282 RE: mrditbme #29280

You're trashing the company. You're trashing anybody who doesn't toe your line.

Your words, your public postings...are becoming more and more reprehensible.


07/13/07 11:27 AM

#29307 RE: mrditbme #29280

You are also trashing the concept of having a vote. You are revealing a complete disregard for the investment others have made in the company, and showing no regard for the right of anyone to make a decision different than yours. Are you saying that the only outsome you will accept is no R/S, and that you have already started action against the wishes of the majority of the votes cast if the R/S does pass? Excuse me, but that constitutes trashing the stock and everyone's investment in it!

"FFB, first off, I'm not trashing the stock. I'm trashing the proposal. As to what will be done in the event of passage it's already in the works. What I do with my investment, now over two years worth, is up to me."