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07/12/07 8:01 AM

#101676 RE: RubyMartin #101668

Joe's Blog,...NICE JOB....

and that is tuff for me to say.

Ruby...did Joe mean 14 months, not years, at the bottom of the article?


07/12/07 8:09 AM

#101677 RE: RubyMartin #101668

How can we get Joe Shea's story....

out to the mainstream media....his story is more factual than what's being passed as the facts today.


07/12/07 8:41 AM

#101680 RE: RubyMartin #101668

Great article, however, ERHC is a US-listed company, with its majority shareholders Nigerian nationals. To bad Joe can't get that article published anywhere.


07/12/07 9:01 AM

#101681 RE: RubyMartin #101668

Am curious, but why do people say ERHC has 3 employees? Doesn't ERHC pay the board members some type of wage? The Chairman? What about Jeter? Or Ledbetter? Or even the one who answers the phones? The way I see and count it, ERHC has close to 10 employees. Or are ALL the above save three working for free?



07/12/07 9:59 AM

#101690 RE: RubyMartin #101668

Give the man a smiley face for that.**


07/12/07 11:12 AM

#101705 RE: RubyMartin #101668

I'm very much hoping Joe Shea is right! But can anyone else here confirm the following taken from his blog?

"The company won rights to various blocks in the Gulf of Guinea that may be worth countless billions to the Big Oil firms that badly wanted them, but Nigeria's newly-elected President said July 9 that he supports the current rights-holders - including ERHC Energy - and his government and that of Sao Tome have refused to cooperate with the tainted probe that ultimately produced the request."

I may be the poster who pays most careful attention to political developments in NG, and after reviewing my posts for that (July 9) and successive dates, normally shared after scanning at least four NG nups, I find nothing on ERHC- or JDZ-specific from Pres Yar'Adua. Did anyone else see/hear anything on same?

If you reading, Joe, could you provide link for that part of your report, pls? It'd certainly be comforting!



07/12/07 9:15 PM

#101749 RE: RubyMartin #101668

Ruby That artical is one more reason IMO ERHE needs SEO to remain in place. He is the glue which keeps the Nigerians attached to ERHE. JMO. Soros etal want him out.