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07/09/07 8:15 PM

#101467 RE: oil-cowboy #101466

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs.

Looks like they have a very broad agenda. From their web site,, here are the members and topics of hearings from the past two months:

Democrat Republican
Joseph I. Lieberman Chairman (ID) (CT) Susan M. Collins Ranking Member (ME)

Carl Levin (MI) Ted Stevens (AK)

Daniel K. Akaka (HI) George V. Voinovich (OH)

Thomas R. Carper (DE) Norm Coleman (MN)

Mark L. Pryor (AR) Tom Coburn (OK)

Mary L. Landrieu (LA) Pete V. Domenici (NM)

Barack Obama (IL) John Warner (VA)

Claire McCaskill (MO) John E. Sununu (NH)

Jon Tester (MT)

Date Time (EST) Hearing [Current] [109] [108] [107]

7/12/07 9:00 AM Dirty Bomb Vulnerabilities: Fake Companies, Fake Licenses, Real Consequences

7/11/07 10:00 AM Strengthening the Unique Role of the Nation’s Inspectors General

7/10/07 2:30 PM From Warehouse to Warfighter: an Update on Supply Chain Management at DoD

7/10/07 10:00 AM FEMA's Project Worksheets: Addressing a Prominent Obstacle to Gulf Coast Rebuilding

7/09/07 2:30 PM Excessive Speculation In The Natural Gas Market (Day Two)

6/28/07 3:00 PM Financial Management Systems Modernization at the Department of Homeland Security: Are Missed Opportunities Costing Us Money?

6/27/07 11:30 AM Violent Islamist Extremism: The European Experience

6/25/07 11:00 AM Excessive Speculation In The Natural Gas Market (Day One)

6/21/07 2:00 PM Private Sector Preparedness Part I- Defining the Problem and Proposing Solutions

6/19/07 9:30 AM The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Federal Government: A Model Public-Private Partnership Accelerating Research Toward a Cure

6/13/07 10:00 AM Business Meeting

6/12/07 2:30 PM Assessing Telework Policies and Initiatives in the Federal Government

6/07/07 2:30 PM DHS's Acquisition Organization: Who is Really in Charge?

6/05/07 9:00 AM Executive Stock Options: Should the IRS and Stockholders Be Given Different Information?

5/24/07 3:00 PM The Road Home? An Examination of the Goals, Costs, Management and Impediments Facing Louisiana’s Road Home Program

5/24/07 10:00 AM Federal Real Property: Real Waste in Need of Real Reform

5/22/07 3:00 PM Implementing FEMA Reform: Are We Prepared for the 2007 Hurricane Season?

5/22/07 10:00 AM GAO Personnel Reform: Does It Meet Expectations?

5/21/07 5:30 PM Business Meeting

5/18/07 10:30 AM Up, Up, and Away! Growth Trends in Health Care Premiums for Active and Retired Federal Employees

5/17/07 9:30 AM Evaluating the Progress and Identifying Obstacles in Improving the Federal Government's Security Clearance Process

5/15/07 10:00 AM Equal Representation in Congress: Providing Voting Rights to the District of Columbia

5/10/07 2:30 PM Violent Islamist Extremism: Government Efforts to Defeat It

5/10/07 9:00 AM Managing the Department of Homeland Security: A Status Report on Reform Efforts by the Under Secretary for Management

5/03/07 10:00 AM The Internet: A Portal to Violent Islamist Extremism