Risk, you're getting your facts mixed up again: the Russian deal never went through and NMC is being installed in Mexico now, not to mention GlobeTel's Mexican partner is wealthy and experienced in telecommunications.
Risk_it they are not the same and you know it. 1. Russian deal never was funded. NMC is funded 2. Centerline is questioned to be an agent rather than a priciple. I'm not sure of the GAAP issues. The asset value is in the switch which are an older model. NMC is building a network of consummer access to the Internet. This has a very real asset value and that is why the Peraltas have an interest. 3. MagicMoney would seem to be a lost opportunity that ran out of time. It could not be funded to the point of profit. There again was of little asset value as the switches were of an older style.
Switches of "older style" is that of the PSTN versus VoIP edge of the net switch available today.