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06/30/07 6:37 AM

#44826 RE: Wouter Tinus #44825

In my opinion, AMD will be judged by how they met their roadmap, and how they meet demand, Intel saw their customers increase their use of AMD processors or start to use AMD during the P4 heat issue. Intel presented their customers with a roadmap they were unable to meet, customers don't wait around - as you know, it's pretty competitive. Whitebox makers have been dissatisfied with AMD and their ability to meet demand, let's see how AMD does with this launch.

AMD is not held to the same standard as Intel when it comes to quality, quanity, integrity, responsiblity by either Wall Street or enthusisast websites.

Ask yourself if this were Intel, what would Wall Street be saying, or what would Nathan Brookwood be writing.


06/30/07 11:29 AM

#44835 RE: Wouter Tinus #44825

Re: IMO customers are more likely to judge AMDs integrity by what they're told in private, which I would expect to be more honest than what comes out in press releases.

That could be even worse. Having to deal with AMD telling them one thing, and reading quotes from AMD execs saying something completely different. You don't think that would be frustrating, or at least awkward? Let's say you're Dell, and a very important customer wants an update on the schedule. Do you tell them the truth and break NDA, or do you tell them a lie and follow the AMD party line? Which is better: breaking the law or being deceitful to one of your best customers, when you know they will find out the truth eventually? I suppose AMD could just say they don't know (a white lie), or no comment (probably standard for most customers, but probably not for the big ones who trust them and have close working relationships). Let's say this customer is someone like Amazon. They want to spend $50M worth of Barcelona servers in July. Do you really think Dell is going to say, "No Comment?"

Elmer Phud

06/30/07 12:24 PM

#44840 RE: Wouter Tinus #44825


customers are more likely to judge AMDs integrity by what they're told in private

And what do you suppose that has been?

"It's late. It barely runs without crashing, the performance is underwhelming and we don't really know when we'll be able to fix it, or ramp".

Maybe that's done wonders for AMD's credibility but who's going to design a product around that? It also puts the OEMs in a very uncomfortable position. What do they tell their customers? Do they lie like AMD does in public or do they save their own integrity by being honest with their customers too?