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06/26/07 5:43 PM

#6759 RE: fastb #6754

fastb, what do you think of the merits of OMDA's lawsuit?


06/26/07 7:26 PM

#6772 RE: fastb #6754

All I did was communicate what was going on, which I dare say is better than any of you can expect today ... The 'prime movers' are all big boys, I did not hold any guns to their head ... the choice to wait and see was theirs to make

REPLY: You did more than that. You actively lobbied to stop the action. Why aren't you big boy enough to admit responsibility. You told us to trust you and you turned out JUST LIKE the Lanza you love to trash here. What makes your broken promises and obfuscation and massaging of the facts any different than him?

"Are you saying that you had gotten all the audit material together and Joe simply did not pay for it?"

Pretty much ... 2 years of financials were done when I left in March ... what was not done (and not my responsibility) was to file the appropriate lease assignments with the state (I don't believe this is done even today even though I gave all the necessary info to the Co. to file on at least 3 occasions)and oh yeah ... Joe would not send the check to the audit firm, even though he committed to do so way, way back in January.

REPLY: Well, we still have no audit. And I find it hard to believe that it is just a matter of Joe cutting a check. And it's not the story I heard from others that were NOT Joe.

"Are you also saying that you had nothing to do with Mark Neuhaus"

On the contrary ... and the fact remains and you can go back to my earlier posts for the details ... the proposal to combine Dragon with TXHG (now trading at or about $1/shr) and an additional company with honest to god oil/gas mgmt and assets similar in value to to Dragon's was a good option for the shareholders and was accepted by the legitimate vote of the then BOD ... Had this deal been allowed to go forward, with the legitimate buying support and investment committed as part of the deal, Dragon should easily be trading today in the $2 range ... it was Joe's self interest that blew that deal and the BOD away ...that and the 15 - 20 mil additional shares outstanding has you at $0.06 today ...

REPLY: You mean the deal where we would get their thinly traded worthless stock in a REVERSE split 2 or 3 to 1? Let's see today's volume was a whopping 24,000 shares. I agree that some type of management change would have benefitted the company but for the pittance offered for our shares, it was an insult and a great disappointment for the faith we had in you.

"On your "benign" watch, BDGR shares plummeted. How did you help us?"

When I first arrived on the scene there were already 58 mil shares outstanding ... before I was able to get a handle on what was going on the total had grown to 68 mil. What I did was pulled the plug on the printing press and held dilution in check. Since I've gone, someone has turned the press back on.

At the risk of repeating myself, I would be very happy to see dragon shares legitimately increase in value. I do not subscribe to however to the mindless, completely emotional drivel that passes for DD on this site. Nor will I be silent while others are unsupectingly sucked in by your misplaced and totally unfounded optimism and rumor mongoring.

REPLY: "My misplaced and totally unfounded optimism and rumor mongering?" The only thing misplaced was my faith and trust in you. I don't recall posting any rumors. I have my conclusions based on the information I have found out and collected.

I am not optimistic but I'll be damned if I let you and your little chest puffing property manager steal my shares from me. And if I turned out to be sorely mistaken about your intentions, then I would be the first to apologize. Because, unlike you, I do not have an inflated ego to support.

And I don't stay awake at night wondering what people think of me and posting cya messages. I shoot straight. You should try it sometime. And then you would have my respect. I gave you respect and trust on credit and you spent it. And now your word means nothing here.

On the other hand, if you were responsible for spear heading a legitimate offer that was fair and reasonable to the shareholders, I would welcome it. But as I see it, I paid your salary while you were at BDGR. And you didn't do your job. There could have been many mitigating circumstances, but you were not working for free. You were paid to do a job and you failed. And we have suffered for that.

I'm sure Lou or someone else is going to jump on my comments as those of a frustrated and angry man whose evil plans were thwarted by Joe's heroic actions ... whatever

REPLY: Do you really think you deserve any sympathy? Did you lose money in BDGR? Are you strapped to the company with shares that you have to hang on to or take a huge loss? It might as well have been my signature on your paycheck. Your reputation has been smirched by your own hand.

I don't think you're evil. I think you're selfish and arrogant. And that leads to evil deeds. I would even go so far as to say you probably did not plan for things to unfold as they did. But you really didn't help us and you should have, bottom line.

Again, you could always try to redeem yourself. But as things stand, no one here believes you anymore.