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06/13/07 10:33 AM

#45678 RE: whassup #45677

Notice they aren't perfect either. They were also experiencing delays and problems:

“They’re going to buy everything we make,” Vegas said. “For us, what it does is provide instant logistics, which is where we were going to get strangled.”

One of the prior hold-ups was getting rail, barge and truck transportation to ship the product out, Vegas said. Now, Aventine will handle all that.

“It will allow us to ramp up our volume in ways we couldn’t otherwise do,” he said.
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06/13/07 9:34 PM

#45718 RE: whassup #45677

Read very slow and pay atention to what you read.

NATCHEZ — Delta BioFuels has had a busy couple of weeks.

The biodiesel company officially got cranking in early May after a year of work retro-fitting the old Ethyl Petroleum Additives plant near the Natchez-Adams County Port.

Just why does USSE have to do every thing instantly?
That is my question for the day!