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Dolly Llama

06/12/07 10:45 AM

#43056 RE: marketbear #43044

Lol. So true. But don't you think it would have made a great movie?

Picture it:

Nicea - 325 AD. The Council prelates in their finest vestments, embarrassed by the Church's wealth of expensive graven images, votes secretly to remove the Second Commandment from the newly approved official compendium of scriptures, and covers up its absence by splitting the Tenth Commandment into two separate Commandments.

Flash forward - 1520 - Wittenberg, Germany. The Protestants revolt, digging up the deleted text and putting it back into the bible for all to see! THOU SHALT NOT MAKE GRAVEN IMAGES!!!

Switch to scenes of wars, bloodshed, burnings and the like.

Flash forward - The Vatican - June 9, 2007 - Protestants and Catholics are but a few decades into an uneasy peace - Just as the scholarly old Pope hands the visiting Protestant President a stunning 17th Century lithograph containing an image of magnificent St. Peter's Square and the Bernini colonnades crowned by ancient statues of Popes and saints..... the boob, saying "Here y'are, sir", hands His Holiness a tacky old stick upon which.... yes.... the dreaded Protestant text screams: THOU SHALT NOT MAKE GRAVEN IMAGES!!!!!!!! Heresy!!!!

Switch to scenes of war, bloodshed, burnings and the like.