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12/30/03 3:31 PM

#6864 RE: lvlamb #6862

^bçMy Windows is so user friendly I can't have it work my way.^ébç
&*&*(&!@(*&#!*#&*&(*& AAAAAAAAAAAAAAArrrrrgh.... French character set still on ...

My Windows is so user friendly I can't have it work my way.
Great Louis.. I'll have to remember that one... my feeling exactly .. just moved to XP ...better than 98SE but way toooooo friendly... why can't I just.... oh drat...

On Linsux I'm used to getting my hands a little dirty so no problem but still without a graphical interface it would have made no inroads... Here it is starting to see some business inroads.. but with a gen pop that only uses .005% of Windows capability why would many of them switch to something less familiar I agree...

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Sexton O Blake

12/30/03 3:41 PM

#6867 RE: lvlamb #6862

Thanks.. as Johnny would say "I did not know that.."

I am basically looking for converting my PIII system into a simple Linux Server running samba and the ability to browse the Net. Today it is primary. In two weeks it becomes backup.. hopefully by yearend 2004, it can move into a world of file servering only.

Kastelco brings up Netscape 7.1 for Linux (yes, I forgot that point). But he and I both know not all sites work with Netscape - Microsoft for one (yes lets all laugh at that statement).

If I only have two machines, the backup 2nd must be competent to work with most ecommerce sites. I can't say that is true... like TD Waterhouse, Sears, misc onlines in the US (wife does a lot of internet buying); and perhaps even some of the other brokerages like Ameritrade Canada; ETrade Canada etc.

But even Globe Investor Gold does not work with Netscape 7. Only (ahem - cough cough cough) 4.7x. (read: Bell what crap are you spinning? fire those globe programmers on principle alone and spend money to get that updated!)

Know what - I have no time to breathe let alone tinker with an O/S. Unless I can get a product up and running and browsing all these sites, I won't do it. I want to spend time writing misc investment programs to keep track of stuff - even at that, I have to actually program for work - (as if).

Honestly - ever since I flipped from 98SE to XP things have improved considerably. Before I had my 120GB drives broken into minimum 3 partitions.. so multiply that out for 5 drives and when I open stuff across a lot of those partitions - at times I have waited 30-45m for the "blue screen scan" to complete. With XP, I have converted to single partitions and now never have to wait after a crash. Based on that fact alone, why not keep it running XP; share out the drives and call it a fileserver? Not as crash prone as with 98SE. And use it to access all the sites no problem (via IE601 or NS710).

So basically, moving to XP sort of re-jigged my mind - and I say "Why Linux? Yeah why Linux?".
