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06/06/07 3:23 PM

#39222 RE: WhiteSahara #39217

Don't forget about Toronto and other foreign exchanges as they are also possibilities. They also have the advantage of NOT having to deal with Sarb-Ox.
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06/06/07 4:54 PM

#39253 RE: WhiteSahara #39217

airdale1, I was only expressing my suprise at what you said.

In my opinion, to laugh at an idea is the same as discarding it out of hand. I certainly wasn't expecting them to adopt it, just consider it. It certainly was NOT put forward as a joke, as several posters here identified its potential beneficial effects at the same time.

Logicly, I would expect a response like "The BOD has met to consider the suggestion and we have decided not to adopt the plan", blah, blah, or something like that. But for IR to laugh at the idea? Well, IF TRUE, that tells ME someting very important about their internal business process.

It was NOT a bad idea so I still fail to understand why it would "inspire" humor. Unless the "not invented here syndrome" is controlling the thinking and strategy of this company. And THAT would not suprise me one bit.

I am not about to bash this because I'm on board as a minor shareholder. But this whole thing, here and on RB, is starting to raise a big red flag for me. This thing is being hyped and pumped relentlessly 24/7 and become "single-minded" which means that the truth MAY be forced into the background. I am all for investor optimism, but this is just going way overboard.

And concerning your counter-question as to why they would want to move to the OTCBB... about SARBOX being too expensive, etc. Well, that seems to be the prevailing EXCUSE that these many small companies keep coming up with. In reality, it is only Section 404 that is the problem; the rest of Sarbox is designed to PROTECT investors and is very much in our best interest. You ARE an investor, right?

The OTCQX has not arrived yet, and it will be at least a year before it is proven to be a good substitute for Sarbox. With $200+ million in income, surely it can't be the expense of adopting Sarbox... It must be something else. And WHAT would that be?

Everything seems to be 100% pointed toward the positive on this forum, and on RB. And nothing, even slightly negative, is being considered. That is alarming to me personally.

Well, here's an idea for you. Just suppose their books are in such bad disarray, and reflectng certain unetical, behind the scenes, deals, etc., that filing with Sarbox would cause the whole management team to go to jail. I am NOT saying that is the case, but just put that idea on the "scale of truth" opposite the idea that Sarbox is too expensive. Just consider it!

Sarbox too expensive? Maybe! But there are always two sides to every story. Believing one side and discarding the other, is dangerous. Rigt now, all me have is speculation, too much I think. And we've been "promised" concrete (no pun) facts on or before June 15. Management's credibility is now at stake, big time. If they are not forth coming, on or before, June 15, I will be permanently out of this stock as of June 18. I have a feeling a lot of others will too.

Good Luck to All Longs. The bet is on the table and the dice are rolling.