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06/05/07 5:17 PM

#1340 RE: IxCimi #1339

Galactic Cosmic Ray Volleys: A Coming Global Disaster

Galactic core outbursts are the most energetic phenomenon taking place in the universe. The active, quasar-like core of spiral galaxy PG 0052+251 (Figure 1-a), for example, is seen to radiate 7 times as much energy as comes from all of the galaxy's stars. Most of this is emitted in the form of high energy cosmic ray electrons accompanied by electromagnetic radiation ranging from radio wave frequencies on up to X ray and gamma ray frequencies.

Fig 1-a

Now THAT'S some serious global warming!
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06/05/07 5:22 PM

#1341 RE: IxCimi #1339

Sumerian legend accounts for stars as soldiers.

Many other cultural legends and spiritual lore of the ancients speak of similar occurances.

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06/08/07 9:57 AM

#1356 RE: IxCimi #1339

Are you for real?

a) the 'second' that you are talking about is a man-made unit of time. To think that an alien being (or scientific group of alien beings) would know that we slice our day into 24 hours, that each hour is sliced into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds staggers the imagination. (If the otherworld entities had three fingers on each appendage they'd probably be counting in base 6. Ever think of that? Unless they had three appendages -- then they'd be counting in base 9.)

b) IF (really big if here, folks) the divide by 24/divide by 60/divide by 60 rule was figured out, how in hell could any living being control a pulsar? Do you know what a pulsar is? It's not a small car.

c) IF IF IF (into the zero probability IF now) the divide by thing was figured out AND control of a pulsar managed, wouldn't they get it dead on? No variation?

Sheesh. Some people will believe anything.