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06/08/07 10:02 AM

#1357 RE: TonyMcFadden #1356

In case you thought the Pulsar was a car:

Pulsars are rotating neutron stars which emit detectable electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves. They may rotate at up to hundreds of times a second or more. The radiation intensity varies with a regular period, believed to correspond to the rotation period of the star. Pulsars also exhibit a so-called lighthouse effect, which occurs when the light and other radiation from a pulsar are only seen at specific intervals and not all of the time. Pulsars are known to have planets orbiting them


06/08/07 12:51 PM

#1358 RE: TonyMcFadden #1356

Ya never know... ; )

People think forward, but never backward to wonder about the origins of things.

For example why do some ancient cultures use a base 60 count, others base 12?
How did we get our system?

Why do some cultures have very specific, but non-visible to the naked eye data on star clusters. Why do some adamantly declare certain regions of the galaxy is their source of origin and not here?

Curious things and we surely don't know it all. You can laugh. I don't mind.

I'm sure Edison laughed at Tesla when he wasn't totally pissed off.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

~ Hamlet (I, v, 166-167)

Maybe mice run things... ; )