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12/30/03 4:35 PM

#24709 RE: svenm #24619

Svenm--You write: "OK, I'll rise to the bait. I don't understand what it is you're trying to say with your incessant posts about interoperability vs. go-kite's revenue models. I suggest you carefully reread his very clear and to the point post # 24493. Having done that, I would like to know what it is you don't agree with in that post."

Well, I took your suggestion (as I always do!) and reread go-kite's revenue model. I'm surprised you have bought into his model. I don't.

FROM GO-KITE(#24493):

"And anytime you transact with a different PC or system, it will cost a fee to verify yourself and the third party server. This is Wave's main business model. Secondary will be Wave licensing fees for chips and software. Third will be software services revenues (WaveXpress, SOL, et al)."

Can you or anyone else point out in the voluminous WAVE literature anything that suggests that WAVE's long-term business model is mainly about the collection of attestation fees?

Yes, Attestation will serve as the initial main source of revenue for WAVE. That I've never disputed. Rather, I dispute the belief that WAVE is betting its future on Attestation.

The Embassy Server is the first TCG Server being introduced into the TCG Trust Infrastructure. That is grand, fantastic news! It means First-Mover Advantage for WAVE just as Trusted Computing finally kicks in!

With this First-Mover advantage WAVE has in effect a REAL short term Attestation Monopoly. This monopoly not only involves INTEL, but also, HP and IBM.

I'm often branded as Anti-Attestation. That is absurd. I also LOVE Attestation!!!

But how long will WAVE have this First-Mover Advantage?

Where in the heck did certain folks get the idea that WAVE would own the Attestation Space? If this were true, and TCG become ubiquitous, WAVE's wealth would eventually surpass even Microsoft. Why would the TCG OEMs hand over the Attestation Gold Mine to WAVE? I see no compelling reason(s) why this would be so.

I see Attestation as a Revenue Intensive and Credibility Enhancing Detour for WAVE. Gokite and others take it much further. They have embellished and burnished the detour to such an extent that they now want to persuade others that WAVE's primary identity for years to come will be that of an Attestation Company!

During the past months, I have stood up and said, NO! to the growing Attestation faction on this board. And of course, with very little support from other Wavoids. Sorry, but many Wavoids tend to gravitate unthinkingly towards the latest WAVE fad. Such is the case with Attestation.

Unlike the Attestation faction, I don't think WAVE needs to achieve an important stake in Attestation to be successful. After all, WAVE has infinitely more LEVERAGE power simply through the licensing of the Embassy TAN. Keep in mind, that ALL the Trust Domain members of TCG will need to license an Embassy TAN, or be LOCKED out of the TCG Network! Isn't that LEVERAGE!!!!? Don't you think WAVE can come up with a business model involving the Embassy TANs without involving Attestation? Isn't WAVE fundamentally involved as a GateKeeper to the TCG Network? But being a Gatekeeper does not entitle WAVE to force other Trust Domains to use Embassy's Utility Software package ( which I believe is the hidden assumption underlying many in the Attestation faction).

I say the BIG PICTURE is NOT Attestation, but rather the EMBASSY DE FACTO PLATFORM that WAVE will provide to the TCG Trust Infrastructure. The Embassy TAN is best understood as the Server Side of the Platform. The Embassy Vaulted space would represent the Client side of the Platform.

TCG will collapse like a House of Cards, if a neutral platform cannot be found to accommodate and satisfy BOTH the Microsoft and JAVA camps. I believe WAVE is all about EMBASSY providing that neutral platform which will be Programmable and therefore INTEROPERABLE.

So, Svenm, I'm sticking to my boring treadworn story-line that WAVE is first and foremost about providing a de facto Platform for Trusted Web Services. I've stuck with it since the days of HP E-Speak. And I stick with it today.