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12/26/03 8:17 PM

#24319 RE: tampa123 #24316

Bravo tampa! Thanks for the perspective. Your exactly right... Jeff
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12/27/03 8:34 PM

#24337 RE: tampa123 #24316

Tampa: So why do they keep repeating history? You would think they would have and should have learned by now, but I just don't see any different behavior from mgt today, than I saw when I first got into the stock in 1996.

I keep waiting for them to learn from their mistakes, but unfortunately, it seems they do not learn. Part of the problem is, we have not required accountability for loose statements made by mgt. And the Board of Directors seems either asleep or completely indifferent to the wholesale misleading of shareholders, investors and financial analysts.

What is different, is Intel--or at least we think it is different. I think the evidence is rather thin at this point.

I have seen lots of colorful slides of ads in which the Intel boards seem to be for sale, but no one I know has been able to secure one. Wave is mum about it, so is Intel, so we are left to guess. OK, my guess is that most of it is BS.

We are ending this year on a truly pathetic note, even for Wave. We are down on virtually every market day on light trading. We are the subject of an SEC investigation that will tarnish us until or if, cleared. We have a CEO who says X one week, and Y the next. We have nepotism upon nepotism. We have a CFO who has performed miserably. Cash reserves have been squandered.

Mgt has been paid handsomely, for what? In ten years of trying, we have yet to get into the market, unless one counts the phantom Intel board. Personally, I don't count it. I think it is either fiction, or it does not work, or is too difficult to use. That's my opinion.

I see the happy chatter from the usual suspects on this thread and I wonder how they can look themselves in the mirror everyday, to spout such nonsense. We barely have a pulse.

Those who try to tell us and sell us the idea that we are a future-changing technology should take a look at the market and see what the rest of the world thinks. The view of the rest of the world is a bit different.

Those proud and happy chirpers who say, "I loaded up at $1.78," only to watch it fall below $1.50 and then below $1.40 can blame MM and shorts all they want. Baloney. This is completely the doing of our fine management team and their co-conspirators--the so-called wise men of this thread who tell us to have patience.

You've said over and over, "have patience," so what can happen? Want to know what? So the Spragues can ride the gravy train to the last mile, the last bonus, the last option--all on your money--that's my opinion.

I'm in my eighth year of waiting and am ready to change everything about Wave, starting with the CEO, the CFO and any of their relatives who have drawn big salaries, but yet have to accomplish anything positive. I'm sorry, but the Ukrainian TV deal is nothing short of laughable, right down there on the level of Rascal's Comedy Club that I heard so many of you saying was the beginning of something good about three years ago.

The people who are running Wave have demonstrated their incompetence at every turn and it is now time for a new broom to sweep the place clean. Are we waiting for it to go to zero?

Sign me DISGUSTED--Bluefang