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12/17/03 12:37 AM

#10505 RE: mingwan0 #10504

ming - don't even go near that bs - you're an integral part of what we do here - I will not further dignify your post - you keep up your good work, it's greatfully appreciated...


12/17/03 12:46 AM

#10508 RE: mingwan0 #10504

ming - you're about the only poster here more sensitive than my wife accuses me of being. Please don't get frustrated by the response or lack of response you see here or on RB. There are so many players and personalities in play that sometimes one's principles or intentions get lost. Your personae has waffled lately and I regret that. Stick to your beliefs and principles, don't let the negatives influence you. You ARE mingwan0!


12/17/03 2:51 AM

#10516 RE: mingwan0 #10504

I will add my voice to the rest of your fans.

Please continue to share your insights. You are a bright light in that clears away the FUD. We need you now more than ever.



12/17/03 7:53 AM

#10520 RE: mingwan0 #10504

mingwan0,I agree, this problem is where it all started for me long ago on the rb board as hopeful107.How some try to make mischief when all you were trying to do was to share and help.Mingwan0,since then i had to contend with jealousy,resentment,suspicion,paranoid, envious posters all for the sharing of info.Since, i dont like being called a lier i defended my self only to run into walls of egotism,self-centeredness,incorrigible,cynical,erroneous,subliminal,arrogance.I was then asked to show more Patience,by those who were not on the receiving end. But you are right here the posting of any info. will be increasingly problematical. There are many more ,many more reasons why people are here then just for the sake of sharing knowledge in order to move in a pos. direction. There are groups or teams of posters here who are out to discredit both Dnap and those who support Dnap.This is not the class room where people come to learn it is very different,oh there are some who come to learn But there are many more who are here for another reason.The circle never ends.Sooner or later standards ofthe board will be compromised via attrition.Or if you will, you will be compromised via attrition, is it worth it ?


12/17/03 8:07 AM

#10521 RE: mingwan0 #10504

Ming (& all others), I'm a relative newby here and without any ongoing dialogue and input from informed investors like yourself, I fear the DNAP story may lay dormant until some obvious event propels it forward. And even then, if the story isn't truly understood and appreciated, it will be yet another flash in the pan propulsion (sp?) like this past June and with other PR's.

I've done a lot of DD, but still have some holes to fill in like the ORCH connection which I pushed to the forefront yesterday in my third attempt to get ANY feedback. Finally, you and others chipped in and attemped to add clarity for me, I am most grateful for everyone's contributions. For what it's worth, I reaffirm your decision to reference the already public information, as sooner or later I, or others, certainly would have stumbled upon it anyway.

Efforts like this will help champion the DNAP story for those of us who see the star and seek additional guidance and reassurance that what we see is quite possible and real. We have all invested into perceived "story" stocks only to ultimately be dissappointed and a few $ lighter.

I for one, have the DNAP faith but do need guidance to stay the path. I hope this forum provides that opportunity!

Thanks again to all.
