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zen 88

12/16/03 3:38 PM

#23058 RE: SPIN #23054

I don't think the fact that an actual

picture of the box was hard to find, especially one in Japanese, is at all the point. Or makes Wave's name any less prominent on the thing.

And you still didn't answer my question about why you think Intel would do that.

The facts, as I know them, are that Wave could have had more money, but didn't take it because they figure the shareprice to increase in the New Year. That way, if they do need more, it's less dilution. The only way for that share price to go up is if they are garnering revs. If we're being strung along, that includes my aquaintance, who has more Wave than you or I could dream of. On top of real estate developments and other savvy investments. His actions speak more to me than all the DD or naysaying 'round here.

The Horseman

12/16/03 4:39 PM

#23064 RE: SPIN #23054

I like SPIN's comment about Wave's odds:

His opinion is very guarded, often pessimistic, and he has the "show me the Money!" approach which isn't ALL bad.
Yet he still gives WAVX a 50/50 chance at making us all rich with a jump in stock price. I can live with that from one of our most cautious investors.

The Horseman