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04/30/07 6:17 PM

#11645 RE: hawkeyeparrots #11644

The company should focus on only one project or division and get that aspect of business off the ground. That is why most companies only have one business to start so that the company is focused on that business only. After, success then they diversify into other businesses. Having scattered projects only slows success of the company.

Obviosuly, NSOL would rather not dilute $500,000 to commercialize TWR but they will issue shares on everything else. They should just give 3 million shares away to fund that one project. They are missing the nuclear detection market. What happened to the Nuke Detection, I guess it was put on hold too. Many start up company have IP and before they get the product up and running if ever the patents are close or ussally half expired. TWR tech is 4 years old now.

I will wait and see what happens by the end of the year, however, I have waited 6 years.

The stock MACD is crossing negatively so tommorrow could be similar to what happened today, we will see. GO N....S....OL!