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04/28/07 10:50 PM

#143407 RE: akua7 #143399

OPPORTUNITY COSTS!!! That's what I've always said! The amount of lost money due to having this dead money sitting in a portfolio is compounded month over month over month. Look at the market now, it's a bull market folks and being parked here watching the grass grow is costing a lot of opportunities to slip by. I know some people here have tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or even millions, wrapped-up in this investment. However, I would hope that this investment is only a small percentage of their entire portfolio, then of course the Opportunity Costs are minimized. However, the shear fanaticism I also see illustrates that this is not the case. It is the contrary, namely having only Wave eggs in the basket or a majority of the nest-eggs being Wave. In this case, Opportunity Costs are absolutely devastating for the past many, many fine years of investing opportunities lost, and unfortunately for this mindset, many, many more to come as well. Oh well, it's only money and I hope this investment has not led to other costs, such as family and friends love and ill-health due to stress. If you add those costs on top of the Opportunity ones, this is truly a very costly investment far beyond money. That my friends is truly profound and something to think about.

Good luck,