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04/24/07 10:41 AM

#142581 RE: Snackman #142563


With respect, if Management wants their options plan to be increased 500K they need to increase the shareprice to the point where there is a 3-1 split...voila' done...anything else reeks of all the things you say they aren't. And shouldn't the pain of the dilution and reverse split be born equally by the Board as well as the shareholders? Don't we deserve the same consideration? And if not, why not? And shouldn't the gain be shared as equally as the pain among us all? We're in this together, correct?
I want my 33,333 shares to become 100K. I expect everyone else would like 3X the shares they currently have, and we'd like it without giving it a thought. Just like Management would. We're focused on the wrong thing, grow the company, the shares will grow as they split with success, just like they shrank with dilution. You can't have it both ways, and that's what they are asking for. No matter how intelligent the argument or abusive the adjectives describing the collective inability to see your side.

I would vote Yes in a minute if this increase in the option pool was tied to the first forward 3-1 split. That makes sense. Off to the cardialogist to check on the 4 new stents I received Easter.
