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09/29/01 3:07 AM

#12847 RE: Francois+Goelo #12844

Matt, the Q&A is a joke in many ways. Your point of moving on is a must because if this same pattern of personal attack of a SEVU employee continues the IH will lose all those who have a real interest in participating in the Board - the long share holders. They are already headed for the exist it appears.

So let's look at the rapidly growing F&G support team - yep, all admitted non-shareholders with the exception of F&G, who with his attitude and destructive manner towards SEVU is either not a shareholder or needs hospitalization. When the current storm quiets and all the longs are on the sidelines sick of the travese then the bashers will move to the next target and you will have a ghost town at IH.

Rich, please don't continue to play this game with the detractors as they aren't even looking for info or answers but ignore anything logical and valid to just move on with a different spin or a new slant on the old. Let the suits commence and lets see the results at the end - no explanation is going to help at this point. F&G has already pledged to sink the ship on every venue he can post, although most should either remeber him from the past or quickly see his goals.

There is a myrid of marketplaces available today and if we can today build a quality product for a reasonable price they will come and buy it. So I trust that the future is as you depict it - if it is we will all profit handsomely and enjoy the last laugh. I'm at the point to encourage you to set up a email exchance of non insider info for those who support you and care about the company. If we continue to be sold on the future of SEVU we will generate more substantial new shareholders than this Board is going to span in any case.

MATT - if you are reading still or at all I will ask again whether you have a plan to give us a 'ignore" option ?? - It might be the only way you can save the Board for regulars. If you want to send me a personnal note use

Rich, I'd love to get you thoughts on the email avenue to share ideas - my address is above. What do other regular longs think of this idea? Most of us moved here to excape this on RB. And to follow Frankie - what a mistake ....

Only good news I see at the moment is the lower prices we might et so we can top off the loaded trucks

I'm likely headed for the sidelines.
