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09/29/01 3:30 AM

#12848 RE: zagdad #12847

Zag, I love your Ostrich/Head in the Sand Attitude...

You make the kind of shareholders on which people like McBride strive... BTW, all these questions and much more will soon be asked by far more qualified people than me AND WILL REQUIRE a CONVINCING Answer, NOT the Drivel we've seen so far...

Not only am I a shareholder with far more shares than most of the Posters here, BUT I also have the Determination to tackle FRAUD and UNETHICAL Control People when I perceive them, even if it'll affect the value of my shares... You, on the other hand seem willing to accept and/or do anything NOT to upset the Applecart....

Fine with me BUT don't BOAST about it...

BTW, you are another LIAR, that is unless you can substantiate this particular statement of yours: "F&G has already pledged to sink the ship on every venue he can post."

Exposing McBride doesn't entail sinking SEVU, ON the CONTRARY!!... SEVU is likely to perish if McBride continues to suck its Blood like he has in the past...

JMHO, F. Goelo + + +