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Dolly Llama

04/20/07 4:15 PM

#38312 RE: djr63 #38105

I couldn't believe his speech at Virginia Tech. He said no one can understand how such a thing can happen. I was thinking, "Could it possibly have anything to do with EASILY AVAILABLE SEMIAUTOMATIC HANDGUNS?". The government keeps records of every prescription drug that's ordered by law abiding citizens. But not handguns. That would violate our rights.

Meanwhile the Bush Supreme Court began chipping away at Roe v. Wade, and Bush talked about the sanctity of life. At the same time over 300 people were killed in a single day in his war.

And today Bush called Gonzales "our number one crime fighter", even as he gets caught in more lies, and calls for his resignation continue to increase, especially among Republicans. Gonzales most common answer to the Senate committee has been that he "can't remember". And of course thousands of e-mails have been illegally deleted.

And Bush is spinning as hard as he can that the Democrats are failing to fund our troops, are unpatriotic and defeatist, when in fact the troops are funded through June, and it is Bush who intends to veto the bill that funds them. How long is it going to take him to realize that the public isn't falling for the lies like they used to, and he's going to have to negotiate with the Democrats who came to power through his own extraordinary lies, blunders, miscalculations and misadventures?